Predicting a Person’s Propensity for Anger by Looking at Faces

Adriano at Anger Managementphoto © 2009 Dario | more info (via: Wylio)
Here is interesting research out of the Brock University in Ontario Canada as written by

“Psychologists Justin M. Carré, Cheryl M. McCormick, and Catherine J. Mondloch of Brock University conducted an experiment to see if it is possible to predict another person’s propensity for aggressive behavior simply by looking at their photograph…The photographs were very revealing: Volunteers’ estimates of aggression correlated highly with the actual aggressive behavior of the faces viewed, even if they saw the picture for only 39 milliseconds.”

What do you think of this study? Does it open your eyes to thin-slicing?

I believe this is the core of my ability to be able to thin-slice people’s personalities from their facial expressions and facial features. 

I’ve been looking into research on this, and what scientists are discovering is that people are able to do this, and do it amazingly accurately on other attributes as well.  Are you surprised?

Here is a link to the research abstract for the science discussed in the Science Daily article.