Mimi Alford: JFK’s Mistress Speaks

Did you watch Rock Center last night with Brian Williams? Meredith Vieira interviews one of JFK’s former mistresses.

I found the interview very distasteful and rather disturbing–to be frank.  When I listened to what Mimi was saying–she was very inconsistent.  She also conjectured a lot instead of talking from memory.  While it is absolutely possible she had an affair as she claims (its not a high stake scenario), the details she tells us do not reconcile with a rational mind, which makes me question her story.

She wants us to believe that was 19-years old, in college, and yet so naive she didn’t know anything.  She was this poor innocent teenager.  She wasn’t 14 folks–she was in college! 

She tell us she doesn’t ever remember JFK kissing her or she kissing him.  She says this wasn’t a “romantic relationship”, yet she wants to paint it as such by talking about how “playful” they were together.  She doesn’t give many details at all.  One plus one doesn’t add up to two here.  It just doesn’t…especially after more than 50 years.

Mimi tells us how excited she was by this relationship and how she really like JFK, and yet she tells us how he supposedly treated her like a whore–asking for sexual favors for different men his life –which in one instance she admits to supposedly doing.  This is where I doubt her story more than ever because if she had done this, she “should” have experienced shame, disgust, or repulsion (some negative reaction) at herself and at JKF, but she doesn’t seemed to have experienced any of that…even after 50 years of thinking of it.  This is a huge red flag for me.  She is missing the normal emotions that go along with what she supposedly experienced.

Any rational woman would be outraged today about her experience, her ignorance and the sickness of a man who wanted her to do this, but not Mimi.  It makes me doubt her story, greatly.

Mimi hits me as a woman by the words she has spoken to rewrite things when it is convenient for her. She hits me when things don’t feel right–she is one of those people who just changes the elements so she doesn’t have to deal with the downside. Or, she embellishes things when she thinks she’ll benefit.  She rewrites history, if you will. There are many people like Mimi in our society–they live in a fantasy world — devoid of reality.   She paints her reality to be what she wants–not what it is.

The fact that she has written this book and gone public when she has two grown daughters and grandchildren says volumes about her, because after admitting to her sleazy adulterous affair, and sick sexual favors, she tells us she’d do it all over againI was floored! 

“I don’t actually regret that I had the affair with President Kennedy,” she said. “It was too much fun.”

Mimi wants fame and notoriety and money for having an affair with the President.  She wants sell it with lurid details, but she doesn’t take any ownership for what she did, and her actions, and she doesn’t feel normal emotions that most people would feel after what she supposedly experienced. She doesn’t think of the ramifications of this on her daughters and grandchildren!

Something is very off.

If only there were people who could corroborate her story…I think we’d hear a different version…personally.

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