Body Language: Woman Strips at Airport

When I saw this story in the news that a woman stripped at an airport, I was naturally curious to see who would do such a thing.

The first image I saw of her was of her back with privacy bars to cover her bum, and I was stunned at her body language.

She stood proud, with her hips notably forward and her legs relaxed as if she were standing at a beach concession stand. It jumped out at me!  This woman was calm–at least when these photos were taken.  How bizarre.

She stood there like she was fully clothed.  There was no modesty at all. She was as relaxed and as confident as one could get. 

It’s like she has no idea whatsoever what was going on.

The woman supposedly complained of a lack of sleep.  You have to wonder if her brain was so exhausted it blurred a dream-state and confused it with reality.  They suspect it was a mental breakdown of sorts. And by her body language alone, most women wouldn’t stand with this posture in an airport butt naked unless something went wrong mentally. 

I’m glad she was taken to the hospital.

Once she becomes full cognizant, I am sure this will be a whopper to comprehend.

Do you find her body language telling?