WARNING: Deadly dog food still on shelves…

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3 big brands may be tied to chicken jerky illness in dogs, FDA records show

If you buy your dog chicken jerky treats, be warned.  Dogs have been dying and the FDA is not requiring the manufacturer to cease selling the products.  It is reported that over 200 dogs have died to date.

Click on this link to read more.

I would personally not feed my dog anything from China.  Boil up some chicken thighs instead, cut and freeze the rest until you need it–its ready to go.  A quick and safe treat!!

Or for a better treat, slice any variety of chicken thin, put on oiled baking sheet and bake at 250 until dry — about 1- 1.5 hours.  Delicious for even humans and its safe!!

This is flat out outrageous and needs to stop.  Please pass this on– you can save a dogs life and man heart-break.  Cleo should not have had to die for the greed of man!