Latest Update on Ryan Ferguson Case

Here is the last update to the Ryan Ferguson case.  If you aren’t familiar with it, you can read my original post here.

Ryan Ferguson was locked up seven years ago for allegedly murdering Kent Heitholt, a newspaper editor in Missouri.  Two people testified against Ryan during his trial and now both have recanted their stories.

First, Chuck Erickson, Ryan’s friend, recanted his story that he was with Ryan at the murder, and now Jerry Trump, an employee at the newspaper where Heitholt worked has recanted his story as well as that he saw Ferguson.

I have said from the first time I saw this case that Ryan (& Chuck) are innocent, and hopefully a judge will agree after this evidentary hearing is ruled upon sometime in July.

I absolutely LOVE Kathleen Zellner. She is brilliant!

The person who I believe should be a person-of-interest in this case is Michael Boyd.  I agree whole-heartedly with Kathleen!

The original prosecutor in this case needs to be held accountable, if you asked me for abusing the system, and Ryan needs to be set free.