thank you note for every language

Today I’d like to say a big thank you to Samuel Rizzio, and the other generous and kind people who stepped in to help move my old blog comment system that went defunct on October 1 to the new tool Disqus.

Many people were very kind to offer to donate their time so we wouldn’t loose the eight years of comments and I am grateful for every single one of you who offered to help and shared what knowledge you could to make this transition possible!

I am truly grateful for everyone’s help in getting this big task accomplished.

Samuel followed the whole process through, kept me informed, managed the team of helpers that volunteered and stuck with me until the very end to make sure we got it done!! He put lots of hours his own free time into this and for those who I don’t know about who put in your time, THANK YOU!!

Yesterday the transition was complete and we accomplished our goal!!!

Many thanks for everyone who helped out on this. I am very grateful!

With many heartfelt thanks!