If you’ve been following the Jodi Arias trial on TV, you’ve undoubtedly caught some news shows talking about Jodi Arias and her behavior.

Many people, including experts, will tell you that Jodi Arias doesn’t feel emotions–that all she does is act and mimic others because she doesn’t feel anything–as that is classic for psychopaths.
It drives me crazy when I hear this!!  I want to jump up in front of the screen and say no! No!  NO!!  Psychopaths are NOT robots, void of all emotions for Pete’s sake.

I think if anyone looks logically at Jodi Arias on the stand during her trial, they can clearly see she absolutely feels emotions.  To discount that is almost humorous to me.  If you’ve watched her trial, you’ve seen Jodi Arias gleeful, happy, arrogant, smug, angry, contemptuous, etc. I could go on and on and on.  Clearly, you can see, she feels emotions.

But, yes, there are times, when Jodi Arias IS very void of emotions and that is likely due to psychopathy, but it isn’t because she can’t feel emotions, its because she doesn’t feel emotions for other people. That is key!!  Psychopaths only lack empathy, not the ability to feel or express emotions. They just don’t often feel emotions for other people!

In actuality, the intelligent psychopath is actually a master of understanding emotions more than the average person, and they use this emotional understanding to spin their victims in their webs!