Gable Tostee and Warriena Wright

Hello! Hello! I’m still here after much silence! I’m feeling better, have made some great progress and I’m feeling hopeful again! I will be sharing that story in the coming weeks. Now for this post!

A reader of the blog sent me the story of Warriena Wright and Gable Tostee out of Australia, and I must tell you the story presented on Australia’s 60 Minutes is JAW-DROPPING!

Gable Tostee’s behavior is utterly stunning, and I am posting this because I think ALL PEOPLE with compassion need to see this with their own eyes to believe it.

We can’t imagine people like Tostee exist, but they do. They take advantage of people, disregard them like a used piece of trash, and some of them kill. Yes, you know it, but you don’t believe what they actually think until you see it so boldly as shown in these videos with your own eyes. I’ve posted two segments–watch both!

We all know murderers exist, of course.

We are well aware of it in our conscious mind, but what our conscious mind doesn’t allow is that WE, ourselves, could KNOW a person that is capable of murder.

We want to think that monster lives far away from us and can’t touch us. They are too rare. We can’t handle the thought that this type of person could be in our group of friends or acquaintances. Or even a member of our own family. It just can’t be!

But I am here to tell you that people with these personality traits are EVERYWHERE and you probably do know people who are like what you see here. They are brothers, sisters, cousins–family members–or family members of people we know–just like everyone else.

They are in highly visible places and esteemed positions mingling among us–eating right along side you. Not all of them kill, but they are capable of it.

It’s just rare to find these cold and callous people speak so openly and so arrogantly. They usually try to hide it with charm, false pretenses and lies.

And our problem? Because we can’t believe it, and we go into denial at the hint of these behaviors when we see “off” behavior, and we excuse it!!!

I’ve heard people defend these types: “It was just a bad day,” or “He really didn’t mean that.” People will get defensive at their isolated selfish displays because we all have moments!

Never excuse cold behavior. Ever. Let the person who transgressed do it for themselves and judge it accordingly.

This story is nauseating to the core. I truly felt sick after watching it but I feel it is that imperative that people see the type of people who live among us.

Never accept people in your life are selfish and arrogant, who put themselves first over others because you will ever ever have a positive outcome in that type of relationship. I promise you. Run and run fast!

My heart goes out to Warriena Wright’s family.