Julian Assange and President Trump

Julian Assange has been taken from away from his safe perch and arrested today. Did you see the news?

When you read about Assange, you see things like “villain” or “hero”–he is quite the controversy, without question. He’s even been called a terrorist by some–yet he has many defenders.

So who is he: Is he an honest guy fighting a corrupt world, or is he himself part of the corruption?

It’s very hard for me to read people who defend Assange as a hero because they obviously believe him.

While I haven’t given Assange much time personally, I will say when he spoke out on Sean Hannity’s show in 2017, he gave me a very clear window into his truthfulness, and I will tell you I wouldn’t trust this man or his motives one centimeter.

Not one.

He is, in my opinion, 100% dishonest when he denied Wikileaks involvement with Russia, and the Trump team.

I believe he, without question, absolutely talked to Putin and Trump, as well as their surrogates. He leaves no doubt in that interview as to what the truth is. He leaks continually.

Assange is a master manipulator who is skilled at evading questions, redirecting conversations and focusing people on what they want to hear to keep them away from the truth. He is capable of fooling many on a grand scale.

Furthermore, I find it so funny that Trump comes out today in denial about knowing nothing about Wikileaks.

You can mark my words, if the truth gets exposed, you will see what an obvious piece of fiction this statement is on his behalf and as well as the statements made by Assange never having spoken to Trump or Putin.

May the truth get exposed…