Coronavirus and Body Language #FluFace

This video is fascinating because it shows how long we can keep our mind focused on our physical behavior–mere seconds to minutes–before our automatic behaviors kickback in again as we use our mental power to communicate verbally.

We all know how serious it is to touch our face right now with the coronavirus spreading. It’s one of the most important things we can do to keep us, and everyone, safe.

But doing so is VERY DIFFICULT as you can see.

It is precisely this inability to control and be aware of our own physical behavior continuously while thinking and talking that is a golden nugget for people like me to read others so well.

You cannot control your auto-pilot physical behavior for very long. It takes a concerted effort to do so, and when you are so concentrated on what you are doing with your physical body, it makes it a lot harder to manipulate your cognitive story! So whichever way you focus, you will drop clues to the truth– either cognitively or behaviorally!

That works for me!

My ability depends on this human weakness!

Have you mastered not touching your face? It’s a great time to practice. Put people around you on notice in your life and ask them to tell you every time you touch your face! You will be amazed at much you do it. And when you do try to not do it, see how productive you become!

Let’s start a viral tag here — Don’t touch your face–No #fluface. If someone touches their face, say it, “Flu Face”. Maybe we can get people more cognitively aware and stop the spread of disease!

Here is praying you stay safe and don’t get the coronavirus.