Untruthworthy Guy: It’s in his face?

Young Businessman Using Telephone

Check out the article from MSNBC.com. What do you think?

A growing body of science is showing that facial configuration — placement of the eyes, width of the cheekbones and so on — provides clues to a person’s personality , including likelihood to be extroverted, conscientious and, now, trustworthy. While this analysis is not unfailing, it works slightly more often than not.

Honest Dentistry?

Health Care Divides New German Coalition

Going through my own tooth dilemma and getting some red flags from my new dentist that I need to work out, I did some reading online hoping to get some answers before I get my x-rays and head out the door for a second opinion. What I found was, well, very unsettling.

I found an article in Reader’s Digest (Canada) about a woman who decided to randomly visit 45 dentists with x-rays and ask for an opinion. You’d think she’d get the same recommendations, overall, wouldn’t you? She didn’t. This is a must read.

In today’s times, with a difficult economy, I think we need to be even more cautious. I’ve done some studying online and plan to read my own x-rays as best I can, and where I have questions, I will ask them!

Subtle Expressions versus Micro Expressions

Thinkstock Single Image Set

Here is an interesting article from the blog of Dr. David Matsumoto, an expert on microexpressions, that I thought you might find interesting.

Subtle Expressions the Key to Detecting Deception

Music and Emotions

Keyboard Player on Stage

Are you a musician? If so, this is you:

Musicians Read Emotions Better

Do you find music is connected to your emotional memory? I sure do. Songs often mark a spot of time in life and every time I hear a specific song, I am taken back to a specific memory.

This article is courtesy of Russ. Thanks, Russ.