Watch these people lie!!

This is a great video.  A reporter goes to The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Annual Festival in Indio, California, and puts a microphone into the faces of attendees and asks them what they think of bands–bands that don’t exist–and watch how quickly people lie! 

It’s hilarious.

I bet if we could talk to the reporter, she got the best responses by pushing the microphone up into their face.  When she did that, it amped up the pressure and people felt they had to respond, and as you can see many did.  

I also think there is social pressure on the younger generation to be “in the know” so they winged it wherever they could to be “hip”….just oops, that backfired!

What clues are they giving off that they are lying?

Thanks, Lynn, for sharing!

Statement Analysis of Manti Te’o

I could literally write a book on the hotspots of Manti Te’o.  Here are a couple of my favorite ones. It’s Manti talking to Katie Couric yesterday.  Katie Couric said, “Was this intoxicating for you, in a way, Manti? 
Manti replied, “I think, for me, the only thing that I basked in was that I had an impact on people; that people turned to me for inspiration. And I think that was the only thing I focused on.”  
He continued…
My story, I felt, was… a guy who…. in times of hardship and in times of trial, um, really held strong to his faith, held strong to his family, and I felt that was my story.
What is so interesting about this statement is that he talks about his life as a “story”.  A story is usually a tale, or plot.
Notice how he doesn’t talk in first person about himself.  He suddenly is a character:  A guy, not “me” or “I”. Who talks like this about themselves? This is highly unusual by itself.
Isn’t it odd how he sums up everything that happened to him so easily after being through so much trauma?  Most people can do that after what he’s been through, but he sure can see clearly, can’t he?  It’s his plot:  “a guy who in times of hardship and in times of trial, held strong to his faith…and family.”
Is that what his story is really about, or was that what he was “selling” us?  If I didn’t know any better, I’d have no idea that he was a man who was scammed by one of the most embarrassing scams of a lifetime: a man impersonating a woman and he falls for it and in love, and he doesn’t even rank that? It’s laughable, if one is to believe this is true! 
Can you hear the script?    
It’s mind-blowing.  Think it is a fluke? 
Here is another one:


To ESPN, Te’o says about his dad:  
“I kind of tailored my storiesto have people think that yeah, hemet her before she passed away so people wouldn’t think I was some crazy dude.”   
“He” being “Te’o”.  There he goes again talking about stories and characters!!!  Clearly, Te’o knows how to use first person just fine when it comes to real experiences — when people might think “I was some crazy dude.”
I could go on and on and on…