Bill Cosby Speaks Again in Bizarre Interview

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This is a truly bizarre interview with Bill Cosby.

Lindsey Davis asks Cosby, “If a young person were to come up to you and say my mom says you did some bad things….are you guilty, did you do it, are the allegations true?  What would you say?”

Bill Cosby rambles on and says absolutely nothing coherent.  I am sure a lot of people are scratching their heads.

Cosby says, “I am prepared to tell this young person the truth about life. I’m not sure that they will come like that. I think many of them say, ‘Well, you’re a hypocrite. You say one thing, you say the other. “My point is, ‘OK, listen to me carefully. I’m telling you where the road is out. You want to go here or you want to be concerned about who is giving you the message?'”

At this point, we have to wonder, is the “King of Attention” breaking under the stress of his exposure and mentally flipping?  Or do we have the “King of Manipulation” playing another game on us?

Both are entirely plausible options!

I do not have enough information from this interview to tell you. I would need to observe Cosby further to say with any certainty.  Does he speak to the students in Alabama today as intended and come across totally normal?  If he does, then we know we have our answer!

What do you think?

Dancing with the Stars Co-host: Erin Andrews

Several of you wondered about Erin Andrews’ reaction to the proposal of Noah Galloway to girlfriend Jamie Boyd Best.

She clearly makes the look of  “No way, you’ve got to be joking” as she rolls her eyes!

She also makes contempt when she is looking at Jamie Boyd Best.

Without knowing Erin, I right away have to wonder if she is married, because this appears to be a serious case of “why her” and “not me” jealousy!

The DailyMail website quotes Erin as saying, “Uhhhhh, it’s called an oh great I’m going to bawl on camera..ugly cry face alert.”

I don’t believe that excuse at all.

You aren’t contemptuous when you are happy.


“Her Own Words Did Her In”

Here is an interesting interview for you. What do you see?

Amanda Knox Speaks Out

The first words out of my mouth after hearing Amanda Knox speak are “WOW”.

I am utterly stunned at her responses, but Amanda has not fit the part that she has portrayed from day one, and this is just another instance.

Imagine you were wrongly accused, locked up for several years, supposedly hit by authorities, had to endure multiple trials of all lies, and finally, you were set free.

Would you feel “gratitude” after having to suffer for years and be looked at as a murderer due to an atrocious foreign injustice??

I don’t think so.

I watched Amanda and looked for any signs of pain for all the injustices she supposedly endured, and there are none. She didn’t have it when she first arrived home from her Italian prison, either. It was oddly and always missing.

Amanda only stressed when she tried to get people to believe her.

Amanda is so relieved, so free of any pain to support that she suffered the injustices she wants us to believe.

If Amanda was guilty, however, her behavior makes total sense.

I can understand “relief” that they finally got it “right” if one were innocent, but we don’t see relief. We see GRATITUDE!

And if you notice her mom is the only one that thinks of the word “right” — not Amanda, oddly. I would think that is the first thing she would think of if she were a victim in this case, but she doesn’t.

Furthermore, when Amanda talks of Meredith, there is no sadness to support her sympathy for Meredith. There are no oblique eyebrows whatsoever. No pain for Meredith at all. She works hard to try to find that place and fails.

And at the end, Amanda says she is the “lucky one”.

How many wrongly accused people have you heard feel they are the “lucky one”?

Its pure insanity!!

But yes, Amanda, you were one of the lucky ones. You were able to walk when I don’t believe you should have…

You vote.  What do you think?