More DNA Tests Ordered in JonBenet Ramsey Case

Did you read the latest news that D.A. Stan Garnett is going to test DNA again in the Ramsey case?

I’m thrilled to hear that!

I don’t know if they are going to do traditional DNA testing or more “touch” DNA, but at least they aren’t standing by the former D.A. Mary Lacy, who declared the Ramseys were cleared in 2009 because the trace or “touch” DNA found on JonBenet’s leggings didn’t match anyone in the family.

I told you back then I felt that was “reckless” of the D.A. and now the results are finally coming out!

News agencies are saying that the report given to Lacy about the “touch” DNA  from the lab didn’t even support her conclusions!

And furthermore, they weren’t even sure they had the DNA of one person, meaning multiple DNA segments may have been gathered erroneous and assumed to be one single profile!  You can read more here.

I smelled a rat back then and I was right.

Read my thoughts in the comment section here and in the post here:

Eyes for Lies:  “News reports are saying this DA who cleared the Ramseys is the same one who went after John Mark Karr as the killer, and flew him home all the way from Thailand on tax payers dollars.  I don’t think this woman follows proper protocols when it comes to investigations. She seems to make a lot of assumptions.”

Read my analysis on John Mark Karr here (10 years ago)

I knew there were too many inconsistencies in the Ramsey family to vindicate them. Period. And I knew “touch” DNA could easily be transferred if it was just “skin cells”.

In JonBenet Ramsey’s case, the DNA on her underwear could have come from kids at the party the night before her murder which she inadvertently transferred  there herself! We can’t rule that out.

Kids touch everything!!

According to this article, the average person sheds 40,000 skin cells an hour!!

Imagine how cells would transfer among a group of children playing in just one hour and think about how far they could travel!

Hence, you cannot exclude someone because their “touch” DNA wasn’t found on a source!  It’s illogical.

Until we understand “touch” DNA better, we need to be careful!!!

Anyway, I am so happy the truth is coming out more that the “Ramseys” are not officially cleared! It’s about time!! Though I think the Ramseys haven’t build anyone’s confidence over the years by their behavior.

I never believed we have gotten the truth from them from day one!

Read the latest news here.

48 Hours: Frances Hall and Bonnie Contreras

If you caught 48 Hours this past weekend, what a story they told. You can’t believe the situations people find themselves in, and how they react and handle them until you see it sometimes. Emotions can cause people to do dumb and devastating things. Emotions, if not controlled, will derail you faster than anything else in this world, and that is what appeared to happen in this story.

Frances and Bill Hall were married 32 years. They were high school sweethearts. Bill Hall built a successful trucking company and it appears his success got to his head. He felt entitled to have a very young girlfriend (half his age), and a wife. He kept communications open with both women even after his wife knew about his infidelity. And worse, his mistress, Bonnie Contreras texted his wife horrible things and attacked her on social media.

One day in October, Frances saw her husband and Bonnie driving on the road the opposite direction, and says she did a u-turn to confront Bonnie.  Witness spotted the two women driving fast and erratically, and reported it to police. And the man in the middle, Bill Frances was there too, on his custom blue Harley, and tried to come between the women in some fashion.

In the end, something occurred where Bill’s motorcycle went off the road, and he ultimately ended up dying from his injuries.

The question raised on 48 Hours and in the courtroom was:  Who was telling the truth?

Bonnie Contreras testified that Frances started ramming her vehicle from behind repeatedly. Then she says Bill was between them on his Harley, and that Frances hit Bill sending him flying off his bike. She testifies that she also saw the motorcycle fly off the road, too, and that Frances never stopped.

Frances claims she never hit Bonnie, and that she didn’t hit Bill–that he wasn’t between them. From the accident scene, it appears that Bill possibly grazed the side of Frances vehicle while riding on the shoulder, and lost control. Frances says she has no idea he was there or that she hit him.  Yet the state thinks she intentionally killed him in a rage.

Who do you believe is telling the truth?

The Ramsey Family Photo

Christmas Card Family Portrait — search web for image

With JonBenet Ramsey being a little “beauty queen” competing in pageants and center of her mother’s eye, you can’t help but wonder if Burke felt left out of the family. We can only turn to photos to see if there is any evidence of this.

When you look at this family photo of the Ramseys, it’s startling to me.

It says so much.

Who is the center of this photo?  It’s Patsy.  Not JonBenet or Burke–no, its her!

Worse, look at little Burke. He is literally put in the back–out of the way!  It’s heart-breaking that his mom and dad could do this.  Usually children are the star of family photos–the prize of the family, their pride and joy.  But that’s missing here, sadly.

When I look at Patsy Ramsey, I see a woman who lived in fantasy. She created images in her head that she wanted to be reality and she tried to create reality around these visions.  What reality was, however, was very different. I suspect she pushed reality away for her fantasies.

John Ramsey is pulling JonBenet close. Why didn’t he put his arm around Burke then, too?

Do you notice how JonBenet’s foot is turned awkwardly away?  That’s a sign of discomfort–a pulling away.  You can even see her dress is crinkled because of her pulling-away motion! And her hand is curled slightly, not relaxed.  There is tension there.

When I look at JonBenet in the videos of her, I do not see a child who loves the beauty queen life. I see a girl doing what she’s told–smiling, not because its genuinely felt, but because she was told to.

Of course, it is possible the photographer of this photo made a horrible suggestion to put Burke in the back.  But with all we know, Burke was sidelined when JonBenet became her mother’s “doll”.

Such a sad, sad story.

Burke Ramsey on Dr. Phil

Burke Ramsey was on Dr. Phil last week, and yet again yesterday. He was quite an interesting person to watch speak. He seemed to have a permanent smile on his face as he talked about his late sister, JonBenet Ramsey, who as every knows, was murdered. It was odd and uncomfortable to watch, wasn’t it?

Dr. Phil attributed Burke’s smile to nerves. I suspect there are several other reasons why Burke smiled that need to be explored before we can conclude it was simply nerves. Burke smiled in interviews with the police and at the funeral of JonBenet, but there are scenes where he is followed by cameras and he is not smiling, which I found revealing.

Dr. Phil’s show seemed to heavily support that the Ramsey’s were cleared and innocent, but on CBS Monday and Tuesday night, top-experts looked at the case piece by piece in a show titled The Case of:  JonBenet Ramsey. I thought they did the best job of any show that looked at the Ramsey case.

The experts on this show clearly identified why the D.A. should have never “cleared” the Ramseys. I was flabbergasted back when I read the Ramseys were cleared by D.A. Mary Lacy in 2009.

Read my thoughts from 2009 here.

The CBS show also gave us many reasons why we need to look more closely at Burke–some of which were discussed and some of it wasn’t but was evident. I wish I could have been on that panel to discuss what I saw! I had many things to say that were never said!  Please know I am working to get myself in a public forum where I can bring my analysis back to you (send some luck, too, please!).

In the end, the CBS show’s experts concluded that it was highly likely that Burke Ramsey was downstairs eating pineapple when JonBenet could have reached into the bowl for a piece to eat it, and Burke lashed out at her and hit her with the flashlight.

There was only one problem with their hypothesis:  the pineapple was already in her small intestine–not her mouth, throat or stomach, which means the pineapple was not eaten at the time of the murder, but likely hours before.

So while I haven’t changed my original opinion about the Ramseys (I don’t trust them and never have), I do have more questions and think Burke did not do himself any favors going into the media like he did.  His interviews past and present were very revealing and eye-opening, and for me, they DO NOT take him off the “whodunnit” list.