Inappropriate Laughter

Inappropriate laughter in always very striking, and I saw a good example of it this week that I wanted to share with you, my readers.

In this video, at time marker 2:53, you will see an older woman by the name of Wanda talk about her daughter’s murder. Before she speaks, she fight off deep laughter. She grins, even snickers as she holds back the laughter, and yet she is talking about her daughter’s murder. It’s amazing to see.

What do you make of this laughter?

Click here to read my thoughts.To me, this inappropriate laughter does NOT raise any alarm bells. I don’t know this woman and I don’t know what ultimately happened in her daughter’s case, but Wanda’s laughter is truly and deeply surrounded by genuine pain and anguish. When she laughs, notice the confusing body signals she sends out? She looks up, as if to get away. She even shakes her head like “no”! She is having a battle of mind over body here.

Clearly what is happening to Wanda is that she is profoundly overwhelmed and emotionally confused. She is having a horrible time accepting the reality of what has happened. She has moments of pure denial and disbelief. It is precisely this conflict of being unable to accept her reality, yet knowing the truth, that caused Wanda to react the way she did in my opinion. She is having an emotional battle at a level we rarely see, but we know exists. Hence, the confusion comes out like a short circuit of insane laughter. It’s absolutely fascinating to watch and in no way resembles duper’s delight–not even for an instant!

Do you see the difference?

Toyota Owner’s Story

This woman’s story in what she experienced in her Toyota (how the car functioned) is exactly like what I experienced. I found this fascinating because I 100% believe her here… She’s also a great study in honesty! I talk about what happened to my Honda in this post here.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Andrew Young on ABC

I watched Andrew Young tonight talk about Rielle Hunter and John Edwards. Wow. Just wow. That’s all I can say. Stay tuned for my thoughts next week. I think some of you might be surprised at what I think…

John Edwards Announces He's Dropping Out Of Presidential Race

Carlorie Counts Off on Food

While you think you are doing your body a favor by eating a light dinner at a fast food restaurant, or helping shed the pounds by carting a frozen lunch from the grocery store to work, the reality according to new research is that you might be eating anywhere from 8 to 18 percent more calories than you are told on the packaging or nutritional label. That’s what Susan Roberts, a professor at Tufts University, found in her latest research. Check out the article here.

Young man in supermarket comparing bottles of oil, rear view, close-up

While no one can say with any certainty if these are oversights, or modifications to help sell product, it definitely raises my eyebrows. When money changes hands and people depend on profits from sales to make a living, it always pays to be cautious. I am happy to hear that people are checking up on this! I feel bad for people who have medical conditions and depend on the accuracy of these labels.

The Lying Experiment

Here is a Topic Suggestion from Johanna that I think you’ll all enjoy! Thanks, Johanna.

Clapper Board

Prof Wiseman, the author of Quirkology (which I’m fairly certain I saw you mention on your blog at some point, so I think you’re familiar with it) interviewed a man and had him lie once and tell the truth once. Actually, he did it several times, but this is more recent and wasn’t discussed in the book. The videos are posted here.

I’m sure you can tell the difference quite easily, but it’s a fun and interesting little experiment and a nice illustration of truth vs. lie in a more controlled setting. With most of the people you discuss on your blog, we only get to see the people tell it one way. This way, we get to see the same question answered truthfully and falsely. Just thought you might find it interesting!