Tag Archive for: Betsy Andreu

Armstrong to Confess to Doping

This week, Lance Armstrong, is going to sit down with Oprah Winfrey and he is going to confess to doping, say news reports.  They also say he will apologize.  It will be interesting to watch to say the least! As soon as someone gets footage, please send it to me!

I have been saying since Tyler Hamilton came out in May 2011 that I believed Tyler and that I did not believe Lance.

When Lance stripped of his titles in June 2012, I wrote about him here, seeking videos which showed Lance denying doping.  For those who shared those videos with me, I shared with you that I did not believe Lance.

And then 60 Minutes did a piece on Lance Armstrong at the end of October, and interviewed two women who said they knew of Amstrong’s doping, and I absolutely believed them. 

When people spoke out against Lance, he always wanted everyone to believe that these people were bitter, and the liars and he was the truth-sayer.  Shameful.

I personally think Lance’s fame and acceptance from this has dropped so dramatically, he feels he has no choice now but to save face. I think its a little late, but better now than never.

I hope you enjoy my insight. I work hard to be the BEST source for the truth on the web before the truth is known.

Betsy Andreu Talks Out About Lance

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This was an awesome interview last night on Rock Center.  It was great to see Betsy and Emma talk about the truth!!

Betsy and Emma who both worked with Lance (separately) have been trying to get the truth out for years and they are finally being heard.

Go Betsy and Emma!! 

More than a year ago, I analyzed Tyler Hamilton and said I believed him when he said Lance Armstrong took performance enhancing drugs. You can read my thoughts here.

Many people are coming out against Lance Armstrong, yet he wants us to believe he is the only honest one. Yeah, right!

I love how Betsy called out the media on not getting to the truth. She has guts!

Here is to the truth which I passionately love! It’s the truth that drives me–not lies.