Tag Archive for: Billie Dunn

Diena Thompson Meets with Billie Dunn

Diena Thompson gave a grant from the Somer Thompson Foundation to Billie Dunn to pay her bills for the month while she is going through this difficult time. BigCountryhomepage.com has the story and video.

Diena Thompson’s daughter, Somer Thompson, went missing in 2009 and was later found in a landfill. After several months, police arrested a local guy for the murder, but his trial has not yet started.

Diena Thompson  said to the reporter in tears, “Makes you feel like its you again, like its your story again.”

“There aren’t words in the English literature or any other, you know, language for me to express to anyone what it feels like to be in this situation–to be in this club that nobody wants to belong to, and the dues are way too high,” said Diena.

Diena says, “I hope that Somer is looking down on her mommy, and proud.”

Billie Dunn said, “For her to understand it so perfectly, um, there’s things that she can tell me, things that I can tell her…we can talk about and we completely understand.”

I have always found Diena Thompson to be unusual and I have always believed she knew more than she has told us.

Thanks, Seeker, for the update.