Tag Archive for: Davis/Cutts

Jessie Davis/Bobby Cutts, Jr.

The Canton Repository did an audio interview with Bobby Cutts, Jr. on June 19th. I have been curiously looking for video footage of Bobby Cutts, Jr. talking about the disappearance of his girlfriend, but I guess I am not going to get it. I would have loved to see his facial expressions when he talked to the Canton Rep, Todd Porter, the other day. Instead, I will have to settle for audio only.

I have listened to his audio-taped interview — and while I CANNOT draw the same conclusions I do when I watch someone, I can see if things are making sense, and are logical — and at this point, I must say my eyebrows are raised.

Todd Porter interviewed Cutts for a reasonable amount of time — at least 10 minutes from what I can tell — and what amazed me the most during that entire time is all he did was talk about himself. He didn’t once talk about Jessie or the baby. Cutts gives me a real strong feeling that he thinks he is the “victim” here by his choice of words. He even goes so far as to say the word “betrayed”. That really perplexes me.

Who does he feel is betraying him? Why is this all about him?

If I interviewed him, I’d have to find this out. Many spouses, boyfriends, and lovers are closely examined in a missing persons case — but when they are innocent — they don’t act like victims. They usually go public and state their innocence, and try to keep focus on finding their loved ones. They want to do all they can to help get their loved one back. We aren’t seeing this behavior in any vein from Cutts. Why?

Does he feel the police station where he worked is betraying him? Could that be why he feels betrayed?

TODD PORTER: Uh, how have uh, your co-workers and colleagues and, and supervisors at the Canton Police Department been throughout this process?

CUTTS: They’ve been very supportive. They told me they had my back in anything I need.

So, why is Cutts playing the victim? Why would he feel like a victim? He even said they weren’t calling him a suspect in the media.

TODD PORTER: Have the, have any authorities told you that you’ve been cleared in this, in this investigation?

BOBBY: No they, they, they have not told me that I have been cleared but as like I said, on the media, I mean they said to the media that I, me nor my wife are suspects but uh, I don’t feel that we’ve actually been treated as that was 100 percent true.

He isn’t giving us any strong indication that he is upset about this, or is he holding back his true feelings? If people are suggesting you might be a suspect, and you are innocent — what would you do? Would you say what Cutts is saying, or would you defend your innocence? Would you be clear and precise, or beat-around-the-bush?

The next statement below is the first statement within the interview that I heard, and it immediately caught my attention. You can tell he is clearly thinking as he is talking. He is not letting the words flow naturally.

Bobby, what have the last five days been like for you?

(Do I hear laughter here? — or is this some object moving in the background? I can’t tell. If it is laughter, that is a big concern!)

“The past five …five days.. have been a like nightmare that that …won’t end, like…every…every second of it , I mean when it seems like it’s turning… and gonna change… it goes back to same, or it gets worse … its different…the way I’ve been…. betrayed and just, I mean I haven’t been myself. I…I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Anybody that knows me knows me that if I’m normal joking around and laughing…trying to have fun and make everyone else laugh and…it’s juss….just been hell.”

This statement perplexes me as well. It isn’t very coherent, it rambles on and on — and then I am perplexed by what it all means. When Cutts says “…every second of it , I mean when it seems like it’s turning… and gonna change… it goes back to same, or it gets worse … its different…“. What is Cutts referring to?

What’s been “turning”? What gives him the impression “it” (whatever it is) is going to change? He continues “…and it goes back to being the same, or it gets worse.”

What has gotten worse? From the media, we haven’t received any clues that there is any new evidence with regards to the police finding Davis. There have been no false hopes, no false leads, etc. This statement is perplexing. What has gone back to the same? What is he talking about here?

I have to wonder is Cutts referring to being looked at as a suspect. Is that his nightmare? Or is his nightmare that his girlfriend disappeared?

If your girlfriend disappeared with your unborn child — which of the two would be a priority for you — nurturing your feeling-like-a-victim, or fighting for her safe return? This is a man who says he can’t eat or sleep, but ironically he does have it within him to do an interview to talk about himself. He can do that — but he can’t muster anything for Jessie? Who is Cutts concerned about?

I found the next two statements odd too. Why does Bobby have to be prompted to talk about the unborn child he is expecting? Isn’t this all about Davis and her unborn child in the first place?

TODD PORTER: Um, just for the record and to clear this up, how many children do you have? Um…

CUTTS: Cur- currently I have three children.

TODD PORTER: And expecting a fourth with Jessie, correct?

CUTTS: Possibly, yes.

I found the words “currently” and “possibly” odd as well.

Last, wasn’t Bobby Cutts supposed to pick up or drop off his son on Thursday? Why then was the child still home alone on Friday? I find it odd if he was close to his girlfriend that he wasn’t the one to figure out she was missing.

These are just a handful of things that I see that are odd. At this point, I think all eyes should remain on Cutts as a suspect. My eyebrows are most certainly raised by his behavior. If any video comes out — please let me know.

To see more that I have written on Davis/Cutts, click on the Label below.