Tag Archive for: Dr. Arnold Klein

“To The Best of My Knowledge…”

Dr Arnold Klein talks to Press

Dr Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson’s dermatologist, was interviewed by Diane Sawyer last week and was asked if he was the father of Michael Jackson’s children. His response is certainly eyebrow-lifting when he said, “All I can tell you is to the best of my knowledge, I am not the father of these children.”

What? Does he have a habit of depositing sperm in strange places? Is he suggesting to us that perhaps he over-indulges in drinks/drugs and can’t recollect this stuff??

Give me a break!

Dr. Klein goes on to say, “Push comes to shove…uh…I can’t say anything about it, but to the best of my knowledge I’m not the father of these children, okay?… I can’t answer it in any other way because you know what? I don’t want to feed any of this insanity that’s going around…”

Isn’t he doing just that–feeding the rumor mill? Clearly, Dr. Klein knows where he left his sperm and if the children of Michael Jackson are potentially his biological children or not.

Why isn’t he leveling with us? Is he afraid of being scrutinized like Debbie Rowe?