Tag Archive for: dr. phil

Confessions of a Sociopath: Are you kidding me?

Please know I do not find this woman even remotely credible.  She leaks clues left and right and sounds like a woman who tried to study this, but has no true understanding of what she is talking about.

She is set to release a book on this. I feel for the people who will read it. Truly. They are being mislead by someone who is a “wanna be” bad girl, not a sociopath.

I find this disgusting, personally.  It’s abhorrent.

If she only knew how pathetic she truly looks.  She very ignorantly asks Dr. Phil, “So you know sociopaths then?”  We can see she clearly didn’t even do a good job on her studies, did we?

Excuse me, I think I’m going to go throw up.

Ronaiah Tuioasosopo on Dr. Phil: Part 2

Having watched both episodes of Dr. Phil with Ronaiah Tuioasosopo, I am just flabberghasted at this story. There are so many lies flying around that it is absurd, and keeping them all straight is a real challenge–even for someone like me.  Let me explain.

Some people are compulsive or pathological liars–that is when they talk they find it easier to lie than to tell the truth. It’s as if these people are compelled to lie, and that lying feels more natural to them than being honest.

If you’ve ever talked to a confessed compulsive liar, they will tell you that they don’t know why they do it. Even worse, they are often aware that they can tell the truth because there is no consequence for doing so, but they lie anyway– for no reason at all.  Read about compulsive liars here

I believe that Ronaiah is likely on of these people.  For him, I suspect, it is equally as easy to lie as it is to tell the truth.  Another person you may remember who clearly did this was Casey Anthony.  She could lie as easily as she could tell the truth.  There was no difference.  If anything, there is a comfort in being deceptive for these people, which drops their clues to deception at times.

It doesn’t mean they don’t leak clues–both Casey Anthony and Ronaiah Tuioasosopo leak clues, but they won’t leak clues in every lie they tell, if that makes sense, because there is little pressure on them like normal people.  It’s a completely different ball of wax, if you will.

With normal liars, its quite easy for me to pick out the truth and the lies and delineate them.  With a compulsive liar, I can pick out many of the lies, but when I see compulsiveness, I am hesitate to trust what comes across as believable.  Thankfully there are not a lot of compulsive liars.

Ronaiah is smooth as can be with Dr. Phil.  I was amazed at how he turned around his perpetrator confrontation and managed to make himself out the victim.  That’s quite an incredible feat, wouldn’t you say?   The twists and turns in this story just do not support reality, no matter how you slice it and he keeps coming up with story after story, if you want my opinion.

Worse, did you catch what he leaked with his words?   Dr. Phil asked if he had ever forgotten to use the Lennay voice with Manti? 

Ronaiah said, “I’m not trying to be funny, but that’s a rookie mistake.” 

Clearly, Ronaiah does not consider him to a be a rookie liar!  Wow.

I think that says it all.

Dr. Phil even calls Ronaiah out on the senseless lies he told to him in the video above–where it served absolutely no purpose for Ronaiah to lie to Dr. Phil– think compulsion! 

According to Dr. Phil, when Ronaiah met him, he told Dr. Phil that he had called him before and watched his show, which he later confessed was all nonsense. Dr. Phil has to remind him a second time!  Go to the time 34:10 in the video above.  Classic compulsion.

Even with all of this, I still do not trust Manti Te’o and his story. I do not believe Te’o is just a blind victim in this story. There is so much more that will hopefully come out in the coming months, if not years…

Last, while someone may be a compulsive liar, it by itself is not a diagnosis.  You can read more here.

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and perspective. Please give me a + 1 on Google if you did!  Thanks!

Ronaiah Tuioasosopo on Dr. Phil

Ronaiah Tuioasosopo was on Dr. Phil last night and what I saw wasn’t a surprise. I saw a man who, if you want my opinion, shared a lot of attributes with a woman we all know well:  Casey Anthony.  Dr. Phil even called him a “scam artist”.   Yes, I think that is accurate.

But do I think that he is the “mastermind” of the Te’o hoax?  No, I don’t.  Was he a player?  Yes. Were there more than two players (Ronaiah and Manti) who concocted this story?  Yes.  Ronaiah revealed that in his interview with Dr. Phil.  He leaked it out, if you caught it!

Do I believe Ronaiah was in love with Manti?  No, I don’t believe him–not at all.  Do I believe Ronaiah believes he is gay?  No, I don’t.

Ronaiah is someone who can look you straight in the face and say something he knows is not true–without any hesitation.  But you don’t even have to see through that to spot his dishonesty.

I have said from the beginning that the voicemails of Lennay are that of a woman, and the true test for Ronaiah would be to demonstrated that voice–exactly as Dr. Phil did, and as you can see in the video, he can’t do it.  Who is surpised?

According to Dr. Phil’s experts, the chances that was Ronaiah’s voice is one in ten million.  And what that tells us is Manti never heard a woman on the phone all these months as he tells us, and that means his story is deceptive as I have said from day one!  Yes, these two talked and they knew who they were talking to–I have no doubt about that. 

Ronaiah gives so many hot spots to the story he tells us on Dr. Phil that I could literally write a book about him, like I could on Manti Te’o.

One of my favorite clues is how both of these men talk in third person when they are giving us “fudge”, and then go back to first person when they recount something true! It’s fascinating to watch.

I also can’t help but notice how Ronaiah is manipulative and thinks on his feet as he talks most of the time. He is not a man who talks from the heart — a good indication of sincerity.

Ronaiah leaked out the real reason he did what he did–to help out his friend — yes, that is the truth.

Dr. Phil Episode: Raylynn.

Dr. Phil had a horrific story of a woman, Raylynn, who fell pray to a cult where the cult leader eventually proclaimed he was “God”.  Despite the fact the cult leader openly slept with other women, raped children, and abused his followers, Raylynn was never was able to rationalize his control away.

Raylynn brought her then 14 year old daughter, Sunny, to a hotel and handed her off to the cult leader, whom she lived with to have sex with him, and left her alone. Horrific.

In the video above, you can see Raylynn and her now grown daughter, Sunny, talking to Dr. Phil.  Early in the show, Sunny said she forgave her mother even though she was forced to have sex with Sunny multiple times.

Curly Thorton, the cult leader, died in 1999.   He was clearly a master manipulator and a monster, but Raylynn still seems to be under his control.

Watch as Dr. Phil asks Raylynn to burn the box of memories she has of Curly.  We see tears, but I don’t believe they are from sadness.  Instead, I see a woman who is utterly confused and frustrated–who is still clinging to a belief she said earlier in the show.  She said, “What if Curly is God?”  She can’t let him go!

If Raylynn was totally on board with Dr. Phil and believed Curly was a monster, she would have had no problem letting go of that box and burning it.

Instead, we see a woman who is tortured by letting the box go.  She doesn’t get relief when she burns it, instead she moans out in pain…without a doubt, still thinking, “What if Curly really was God?”

This woman needs some serious help. I hope Dr. Phil gave it to her.

Joe and Sheena on Dr. Phil: Murder or Suicide?

I watched this story on Dr. Phil, and I do not see any evidnece to support suicide.  I also do not believe Joe is telling us the truth.  He is slippery and doesn’t answer questions.  Then he denies anything when put in the hot seat.

I feel for Sheena’s family.  I hope the truth comes out.

Today on Dr. Phil, Joe will take a lie detector test. He should fail it, if you ask me. Will he?