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Dr. Phil Episode: Raylynn.

Dr. Phil had a horrific story of a woman, Raylynn, who fell pray to a cult where the cult leader eventually proclaimed he was “God”.  Despite the fact the cult leader openly slept with other women, raped children, and abused his followers, Raylynn was never was able to rationalize his control away.

Raylynn brought her then 14 year old daughter, Sunny, to a hotel and handed her off to the cult leader, whom she lived with to have sex with him, and left her alone. Horrific.

In the video above, you can see Raylynn and her now grown daughter, Sunny, talking to Dr. Phil.  Early in the show, Sunny said she forgave her mother even though she was forced to have sex with Sunny multiple times.

Curly Thorton, the cult leader, died in 1999.   He was clearly a master manipulator and a monster, but Raylynn still seems to be under his control.

Watch as Dr. Phil asks Raylynn to burn the box of memories she has of Curly.  We see tears, but I don’t believe they are from sadness.  Instead, I see a woman who is utterly confused and frustrated–who is still clinging to a belief she said earlier in the show.  She said, “What if Curly is God?”  She can’t let him go!

If Raylynn was totally on board with Dr. Phil and believed Curly was a monster, she would have had no problem letting go of that box and burning it.

Instead, we see a woman who is tortured by letting the box go.  She doesn’t get relief when she burns it, instead she moans out in pain…without a doubt, still thinking, “What if Curly really was God?”

This woman needs some serious help. I hope Dr. Phil gave it to her.