Tag Archive for: Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong: Is he being honest?

I absolutely love this video of Lance Armstrong.

Do you think he is being honest?

I mean he has crossed arm, which people say means he is closed off or defensive, and he gives us a contempt micro-expression, too!

He is actually being honest.

Dead honest.

He would dope again if it were 1995 (under the same circumstances), and he doesn’t believe that today he would need to.

I don’t think there is any reason to doubt his statement because by saying it, he isn’t gaining anything. He actually has a lot to lose–he is showing defiance, a lack of remorse, and more. He is doing the exact opposite of what he needs to if he wants people to give him a second chance. His arrogance is blinding him.

While Lance crosses his arms, he does not show any defensive behavior or signs that he is closed off to this conversation at all. The exact opposite is true. He is showing by his words that he is very open to say “his truth”.

I suspect the reason why Lance is sitting this way with his arms crossed is simple.  It is a comfortable way for him to sit. Sitting with your arms crossed actually does provide comfort for people. It can make you feel more confident, warmer, and safe. Try it and see! And there are times when people cross their arms when they are defensive and closed off, too, but it’s not black or white by any means, and never indicates by itself someone is lying.

I watched a slightly longer version of Lance’s interview and what I get out of it is how he is still very self-centered. That’s shocking considering his situation, but it says a lot about who he is as a person.

Travis Tygart Speaks the Truth About Lance Armstrong

As an expert in deception, there is nothing more cathartic than hearing someone who has the guts to set the record straight and speak the truth–especially when they’ve been threatened as I believe Tygart has been.

He spoke candidly and openly why you shouldn’t believe Armstrong and I commend him for coming forward as it was not an easy thing to do.  I feel for Tygart because speaking out against the uber-rich doesn’t usually come without consequences when they have the power to make you pay, as it is clear Lance has done to others many times over.

When athletes get so wealthy and have such incredible earning power, don’t fool yourself folks, they have an incredible edge to push boundaries, avoid consequences and get things done that ordinary people can’t. They have the power to make things “go away”.  While I think many things are kept hidden far more than we’ll ever know, I don’t think any were as brazen at Lance Armstrong.

Isn’t it interesting how Lance Armstrong told us in his interview with Oprah how he didn’t feel he deserved a lifetime ban from cycling (aka “the death penalty), but he refuses to play by the rules like everyone else and confess under oath the truth?  No, he wants an exception again!  

Thank you Travis Tygart for having the guts, conviction and courage to stand on the truth.

To read all of my thoughts on Lance Armstrong, click on the labels below.

Lie Expert Opinion on Lance Armstrong

Look at the face of Lance Armstrong in his interview with Oprah last night.  Do you see a man who is upset and hurting that he  viciously bullied people and treated not only his friends and teammates pathetically, but he lied to the world?  Does his face show any regret?

While I would never rely on a still shot to tell me the whole story, Lance has no problem cracking a smile through his entire interview, and worse, he didn’t show an ounce of sadness or regret the entire time. Instead he flashes contempt several times over.  Watch this clip.

Yeah sure, Lance sat down with Oprah and decided to state the obvious for which he could no longer deny to any sane person, but was he sorry for what he did?  I don’t believe so.  Was he sorry he got caught and is paying the ultimate price?  I believe so.

Lance seems actually pleased with what he could pull of, if you ask me.  He is still arrogant, which is one of my biggest indicators someone a high propensity to lie.  He is nowhere near humble–even with all he has been through–which is shocking if you ask me.

And worse, I has highly disturbed that Lance admitted in so many words that he lacked a conscience. When he was asked if he ever felt wrong about what he did, he said no.  When he was asked if he ever felt bad about it, he replied no–scarier.  When Oprah asked did you ever feel like you were cheating?  He said no — scariest.  Yes, this is very scary as he should feel differently now, but clearly his emotions support that he feels the exact same way as he always did. He feels no guilt, shame or regret.  That’s chilling!

While Lance said some of the right words, he also was still notably evasive and refused to discuss certain topics or people.  When someone comes clean — all the way clean — they don’t use these tactics, and these were tactics. When it came to talking about Betsy Andreau, look at what Lance said, “I don’t want to take that on.”  His words say it all. Is that the response of someone who is coming clean and honest?  I don’t think you need me to answer that. He also didn’t want to talk about Dr. Ferrari.

Lance also wanted us to believe he just gave the UCI two checks for $125,000 but they were not to influence his drug test results. When Oprah pointedly asked him in the interview why he gave the money to the organization since we know now know his original reason was a lie, Lance struggled to answer the question. Lance struggles to answer several questions–clearly stuttering for words.  He finally said “because they asked me too”.  I don’t think anyone will ever buy that–and he wants us to accept his apology?

Lance tells us who he is and the picture he himself paints of himself is of someone who is ugly, flawed and untrustworthy.   He even says, “I’m a flawed character…”  As Oprah always says, when someone tells you who they are believe them!

Check back for more. As I see snippets of the interview, I may analyze some for you in the coming days.

Armstrong to Confess to Doping

This week, Lance Armstrong, is going to sit down with Oprah Winfrey and he is going to confess to doping, say news reports.  They also say he will apologize.  It will be interesting to watch to say the least! As soon as someone gets footage, please send it to me!

I have been saying since Tyler Hamilton came out in May 2011 that I believed Tyler and that I did not believe Lance.

When Lance stripped of his titles in June 2012, I wrote about him here, seeking videos which showed Lance denying doping.  For those who shared those videos with me, I shared with you that I did not believe Lance.

And then 60 Minutes did a piece on Lance Armstrong at the end of October, and interviewed two women who said they knew of Amstrong’s doping, and I absolutely believed them. 

When people spoke out against Lance, he always wanted everyone to believe that these people were bitter, and the liars and he was the truth-sayer.  Shameful.

I personally think Lance’s fame and acceptance from this has dropped so dramatically, he feels he has no choice now but to save face. I think its a little late, but better now than never.

I hope you enjoy my insight. I work hard to be the BEST source for the truth on the web before the truth is known.

Lance Armstrong Stripped of Titles

As many of you have heard, Lance Armstrong has been stripped of his 7 Tour de France tour wins and has been banned from the sport.  If anyone sees Lance speak on this, please let me know.  From what I have read, he is throwing in the towel, which does not support honesty, if you ask me.

Tyler Hamilton spoke out in May of last year, and I analyzed him.  I do believe he was telling the truth