Tag Archive for: liars

Have you heard of the Dark Factor of Personality?

Gothic, Dark, Fantasy, Evil, God, Duality, Woman 
Pixabay Images https://pixabay.com/photos/gothic-dark-fantasy-evil-god-3017747/ by darksouls1 

Three researchers from Germany and Denmark have come up with a theory of personality called the dark factor–that the elements of negative “dark” personality will correlate together and create a “dark core”, if you will. If you have strong dark personality traits, you will likely display many of them.

The researchers knew from past studies in human intelligence that people who are intelligent will score as intelligent across multiple intelligence tests, as there is a “core ability” to their intelligence that will be revealed across many tests. Hence, they suspected that there is a core to a dark personality. The darker the personality, the more traits they will ultimately have and research seems to be showing this to be true. You can read more about the study here from the researchers themselves.

In the study, they look at nine personality traits that they believe make up the dark factor:

  1. Egoism. The excessive concern with one’s own pleasure or advantage at the expense of community well-being.
  2. Machiavellianism. Manipulativeness, callous affect and strategic-calculating orientation.
  3. Moral Disengagement. A generalized cognitive orientation to the world that differentiates individuals’ thinking in a way that powerfully affects unethical behavior.
  4. Narcissism. An all-consuming motive for ego reinforcement.
  5. Psychological Entitlement. A stable and pervasive sense that one deserves more and is entitled to more than others.
  6. Psychopathy. Deficits in affect, callousness, self-control and impulsivity.
  7. Sadism. Intentionally inflicting physical, sexual or psychological pain or suffering on others in order to assert power and dominance or for pleasure and enjoyment.
  8. Self-Interest. The pursuit of gains in socially valued domains, including material goods, social status, recognition, academic or occupational achievement and happiness.
  9. Spitefulness. A preference that would harm another but that would also entail harm to oneself. This harm could be social, financial, physical or an inconvenience.

You can test your D-Factor on their website. They have three versions of the test–the longest one, they say, is the most accurate. By taking the test, you are participating in their research–so you know!

All people have the ability to be both good and bad. You know the old images of the devil and angel on a person’s shoulders? Don’t be shocked if you take the test and find that you have some dark “traits”. Most humans have some. Few of us are saints. It’s all about the degree and where you fall on the spectrum compared to others.

Once you take the test, you can save your score. You can copy the link given, if you don’t have time to review the results at that time or if you want to share it with people. You can also see where you rank compared to the other people who have taken the test to date.

Were you surprised by your results?

If you find this study interesting, there are a lot of articles out there on this topic.

The Liar’s Brain: Is it different?

Here is an older study, but a quite fascinating one that says skilled liars actually have more brain matter to help them lie.

What do you think? Do you think liars have a biological edge?

“Are you a perfect liar?”

Of all the questions that arise when I doing training, the one I least expected was, “Since you understand deception so well, are you the perfect liar?”

I remember the first time it was asked, I was blown away.

In real life, people trust me and tell me I have an honest face, so this was a bit alarming! Why would anyone think that of me, I thought. But when I thought about it more, I could see the point of the question.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

But there is good news! The answer is no, I am not the perfect liar nor could I be, even knowing what I know about deception and human behavior.

And the reason is simple. Clues leak to deception for two reasons:  First because we are under a higher cognitive load when we tell a lie–we have to balance the truth from a lie) which causes clues to leak naturally.  And second, because we want to succeed with our lie, we naturally put pressure on ourselves to succeed and that pressure increases our cognitive load emotionally, which also causes clues to leak.

The more pressure on a person to get away with a lie, the higher likelihood they will leak clues. And in high stake scenarios, we naturally put pressure on ourselves with our desire to be successful and hence we slip up.

So while I know what the clues to deception are, if I try to make sure cognitively that I don’t display any of them, what am I doing to my cognitive load?

I’m sending it through the moon, aren’t I? So what are the chances I would leak clues? The chances are greatly elevated.

Just imagine my thought process trying to tell a lie…blah, blah, blah…don’t forget you can’t stare someone dead in the face, don’t move your shoulder or your lip…what was I saying, oh yeah…blah, blah, blah…did I just move my shoulder?  Bahhh!!!  What was I saying?   Oh yeah, blah, blah…wait…don’t skip pronouns, confuse verb tense — uh…stutter, stutter…. at this point, my lie would blaring for all the world to see LOL!

So while I may understand deception on a detailed level, it doesn’t mean I would be the perfect liar.

And furthermore that is why I am comfortable openly teaching my material to people because if I teach my material to someone sinister, its very unlikely for even more reasons than I am discussing here that he or she will be able to become a better liar either.  Actually, the converse is true. If they focus on all the clues I teach, it will only cause them to leak even more clues, which is candy for me!

Update: For those who are curious what makes a good liar, this article is for you.

A&E: The Killer Speaks

Have you seen this show on A&E?

If not, its truly worth watching. However, I will warn you it is very chilling.

But you get to have a front row seat into the mind of a killer.

Some lie. And some tell the truth.

It’s endlessly fascinating!

If my time allows in the coming weeks, I will share my thoughts on the latest episode.