Tag Archive for: mass murder

Dangerous Man Admits True Feelings

Last week on Dr. Phil, a mom asked for help for her son as she is afraid he could be the next mass murderer.

As an expert in human behavior, I can tell you that this mother is correct–her son poses a serious risk to us.

In this video above, her son talks and tells us how he feels.

I absolutely believe he is being truthful here.

People who commit mass murder (outside of the terrorists) from within our own society often do so because of underlying mental illness, but also because they feel that they are completely isolated, alone and ignored by the world.  They feel transparent.

Isolation of a human being causes the exact thoughts this young man tells you. He wants to lash out at anyone–even innocent people.  He has incredible courage to admit this.

Why does he want to target innocent people, you wonder?  Because everyone looks through him, and doesn’t see him.  And in his mind–everyone is responsible for not caring.  You don’t care, I don’t care–no one cares–so people–all people–any person–every person needs to hurt like he does so they understand what they, you, have done to him.

They begin to fantasize about inflicting the pain they feel on others. They want others to hurt, exactly as Andrew says on the Dr. Phil show. And they do see those who have acted out before them as heroes, as hard as that is to imagine. Because those people had the encourage to make others pay for these violations.

This is how someone who commits a mass killing among our citizen often comes to the mindset that they do. It’s derived from extreme isolation and rejection, whether perceived or real.

If you know anyone in your life who struggles to maintain social relationships, is isolated and alone, and shows depressive, withdrawn traits–take time of your day to include them, to draw them in–to make them feel important and that they matter. Open up a lifeline to these people, talk to them, express care, show them their positive traits, and encourage them to seek professional help.

You can make a difference.