Tag Archive for: Michael Jackson

Janet Jackson on Oprah

Last Friday, Oprah interviewed Janet Jackson about the death of her iconic brother Michael. It was an interesting video because Janet was very open and honest. She admitted that the family knew that Michael had problems and that they did several interventions to try to help him, but they failed. She even said that when she got the news of what happened to Michael, she wasn’t surprised by what happened. The family had feared for Michael’s safety for a while.

It was refreshing to see such candor and honesty.

Joe Jackson on Larry King Live

2009 BET Awards - Press Room

Joe Jackson was on Larry King Live last night saying that he never abused Michael. Did you see it?

When Larry King asks Joe about whether or not he was abusive to Michael, Joe answers, “I never been abusive to him”. You need to take a closer look at the words being spoken here. Joe Jackson clearly skirts the issues by playing with words, if you want my opinion.

Notice how convoluted Joe’s answer is? He talks about slavery and torture, and then ends up saying a lot of people spank their kids and don’t admit it. Why doesn’t he answer the questions directly? Then Joe ends his somewhat non-nonsensical answer by saying he’s “never beaten at all”. I think the key word here is “beaten”. It’s all semantics, if you want my opinion.

A man who abused his children and who is denial about it is likely to diminish his actions, and I believe that is what Joe Jackson is doing here. Notice how he doesn’t deny “spanking” Michael? And how he justifies everyone else must be doing it?

When I’ve seen Michael Jackson talk of how afraid he was of his father, I absolutely believed him.

Chilling Text Messages from Debbie Rowe

According to Fox news, Debbie Rowe wrote the following text messages to a close friend:

“My lawyer is telling me I have to take some responsibility about the welfare of the children,” Rowe wrote in a July 5 email to White. “Do I want the kids? Hell no. Does it look good for me to ask for them? Absolutely. I don’t want to look like the woman who gave away her kids and just forgot about them.” Read more here

While we know people lie, cheat and say whatever they think they have to publicly, even when they don’t believe it, isn’t it hard to believe when you see it for real–like this above?

Debbie Rowe is one cold, calculating and callous woman, and a woman who I would not trust in any circumstance. The only priority in Debbie’s life, in my opinion, is Debbie.

Debbie Rowe visits a home in Palmdale, California

“To The Best of My Knowledge…”

Dr Arnold Klein talks to Press

Dr Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson’s dermatologist, was interviewed by Diane Sawyer last week and was asked if he was the father of Michael Jackson’s children. His response is certainly eyebrow-lifting when he said, “All I can tell you is to the best of my knowledge, I am not the father of these children.”

What? Does he have a habit of depositing sperm in strange places? Is he suggesting to us that perhaps he over-indulges in drinks/drugs and can’t recollect this stuff??

Give me a break!

Dr. Klein goes on to say, “Push comes to shove…uh…I can’t say anything about it, but to the best of my knowledge I’m not the father of these children, okay?… I can’t answer it in any other way because you know what? I don’t want to feed any of this insanity that’s going around…”

Isn’t he doing just that–feeding the rumor mill? Clearly, Dr. Klein knows where he left his sperm and if the children of Michael Jackson are potentially his biological children or not.

Why isn’t he leveling with us? Is he afraid of being scrutinized like Debbie Rowe?

Michael Jackson: Unseen Video

Many people now that Michael Jackson has died are wondering if Jackson was honest when he was alive and perhaps, even taken advantage of because he was uber-rich. Several readers have written to me since his death wondering if Jackson was honest when he spoke out about the child molestation accusations in the recently released video deposition of Jackson (below).

Read moreWhen I watch Jackson speak, his soft-sweet demeanor immediately puts me on alert. When people act like this, it is usually an indication they are putting on a facade.

When this video above first starts, the interviewer asks Jackson, “Where you aware that Jordan Chandler or his family on his behalf filed a litigation, a lawsuit against you?” Watch how Michael Jackson reacts just before he says “yes”. He appears to be in a movable chair that flexes, and when Michael Jackson thinks about it, he rocks backwards. Why is Michael Jackson moving away when they ask this? He becomes almost timid.

If you had nothing to do with a false lawsuit, would it make you want to shrink away or be timid?

Next the interviewer says, “To your knowledge, Mr. Jackson, um, were you ever accused of having sexually molested Brett Barnes?” When you watch Jackson here, he acts totally surprised, but it is an act, if you want my opinion. If this was the first time Michael heard this and it was a false allegation, he should be showing anger or bewilderment, if he was innocent, but he doesn’t. He should show some–any –adverse reaction other than surprise, but he doesn’t. Instead, he smiles. He tries to laugh it off. He feigns surprise. That’s a big red flag that makes absolutely no sense! It’s a big tip-off something isn’t right here.

Watch how giddy Jackson gets when he is asked if he ever sexually molested Macaulay Culkin? Would you feel like this if you were truly repulsed by the these thoughts? If you were wrongly accused? If you were being fingered as a child molester when you weren’t??? Would you be laughing about it?

Look at time marker 1:10-1:11. Here Jackson lets out his real emotions. Notice his smile dissipates? That is the real Jackson for an instant, before he reverts back to his false smile. Then he shakes his head no over and over again. Some people may think this is a sign he is honest. However, others may argue that Jackson is mad that he is being called out on his behavior and can’t believe it (denial). Either is a potential here, though I tend toward the latter.

When Michael Jackson talks about crazy stories people have created abaout him, notice how happy-go lucky he acts again? Yet, in a strange twist, isn’t he supposedly angry because people believe all these lies? It sure makes you wonder why Jackson can’t be his authentic self, doesn’t it?

Michael Jackson talks that he didn’t get his skin bleached. Yet if you look up the skin condition, Vitiligo, you see that no one is as white as Jackson became. They aren’t flawlessly white. They had patches of skin that faded, but normal color, too. Logic tells us that Jackson, if he did have the disease, did something to make all his skin uniform, so why doesn’t he just admit to that?

The same goes for Jackson when he says he didn’t have plastic surgery (in other videos). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this is untrue. Simple logic is all one needs to identify the truth.

At the end of the video, Jackson says, “Jesus said to love the children and be like children. Be youthful and be innocent and be pure and honorable,” Jackson said. “He was talking to his apostles. And they were fighting over who was the greatest among themselves, and he said, ‘Whoever humbles yourself like this child is the greatest among me.’ And he always surrounded himself with children, and that’s how I was raised, to be like that and to imitate that. I don’t know what you’re trying to make out of this.”

When Jackson finishes this statement, do you see his smirky smile? Does his statement make any sense? Is that a good defense of the accusations? Jackson tells us he doesn’t know what they are trying to make out of this. Give me a break!

Jackson, if you want my opinion, lived in a world of make-believe. Perhaps it was due to his abusive father and a method of escape for him. Perhaps it came from his incredible wealth. With his money, he could surround himself with only people who supported his beliefs, no matter how off the charts they became. Perhaps it is because he has a demon inside that adored children at levels that are abnormal and unhealthy, and dangerous.

Anytime people do not express sincere and genuine emotion, anytime people smile when they should be angry or mad, or anytime people talk in a sweet demure manner over serious topics, take what they say with a grain of salt!

Now with that being said, I must say Michael Jackson did have a profound effect on music, and he should be remembered for his good contributions to the world, too.