Tag Archive for: Michael Schiavo

Michael Schiavo

Michael Schiavo was on Dateline in his first interview since Terri Schiavo’s death one year ago.

Michael Schiavo is a “fighter” as he put it. But I believe he is more than that. He is a man who has to win at all costs…and will do anything in his power to win. Right or wrong do not matter.

Michael Schiavo is also a master manipulator of facts to paint the picture white in his favor. He does it time and time again. Michael Schiavo told Dateline that he would never have given custody of Terri to the Schindlers because her father said “he would cut her arms and legs off”.

Really? He said just that?

Dateline, thankfully, corrected Michael Schiavo, and set the record straight. The truth was, the Schinlders said, if Terri got gangrene, they would still want her to live even if they had to cut her arms and legs off. Michael Schiavo had no problem telling half the story to make the Schindlers look evil, and himself a saint. This speaks volumes about Michael Schiavo.

I personally don’t trust Michael Schiavo. I think Michael Schiavo lacks normal emotions, a conscience, and furthermore, I believe he doesn’t have the ability to empathize or sympathize for any other living creature outside of himself.

When Michael Schiavo said the following on Dateline, I didn’t believe him:

Among his accusations is that Terri’s family, including her father, demanded the money from a malpractice award. “(Micahel Schiavo said) First, he asked when the money was coming down, and then he asked me, ‘How much money am I going to get?”’ Schiavo told Dateline.

(Michael Schiavo) I said. … ‘I’m giving it all to Terri.’ Then with some anger in his voice, he pointed at Terri and said, ‘Well, how much is she going to give me?’ She’s not going to give you anything. That money is entrusted with a guardian. (source: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=1771858&page=1)

I suspect the truth is that the Schindlers wanted the malpractice money to go to Terri’s care. I am sure there was a confrontation, and I am pretty confident Michael Schiavo is forgetting half of the conversation–manipulating it again to make the Schindlers look evil.

Michael Schiavo went on to say on Dateline that he offered the Schindlers an agreement where he would hand over the money to a charity, but they never agreed. Michael Schiavo never showed any care for Terri, and the Schindlers knew it. Of course, they didn’t want the money to go to a charity. They wanted that money for Terri’s care!

The part of this whole story that concerns me the most is the fact that Michael Schiavo had no problem with Terri having a feeding tube and being in a vegetative state for three full years. It was only after he got the malpractice money that he suddenly “cared” for Terri. He cared to get her out of his life–once and for all.

If he truly wanted to honor Terri’s wishes, he couldn’t have handled letting her suffering for three full years! I don’t believe Michael Schiavo cared about Terri. The Schindlers, however, have showed a lot of caring and compassion for their daughter even in the face of great adversity.

Schiavo Shivers

Since this is such a hot topic, I decided to weigh in with my opinion. This opinion is not based on watching video of the Michael Schiavo or the Schindlers to determine who is lying. While I did see one clip of Michael Schiavo, I was only able to detect that he is angry — which could support the truth or a lie.

I doubt there is anyone in this country who hasn’t heard of the Schiavo case. Over the last few days, I have tried to turn away from the media reports because the pain of this story is so difficult to palate.

I am a firm believer that if I were seriously disabled to the point I couldn’t do anything but lay in bed, helpless, I would want to be put out of my misery. I say that strongly now, yet I don’t have the fervor to put this in legal paperwork. I just can’t do it because I am NOT that confident. This is my absolute truth.

On the other hand, if I were lying in bed in a vegetative state, and my parents saw life in me and they wanted me to live — and my husband fought to have me die by removing a feeding tube — I KNOW I’d turn over in my grave. And I tell you, I trust my husband with all my heart and soul. I love him dearly.

However, as much as one man can love me, no one will EVER love me more purely than my parents. EVER. Maybe as much, but NEVER MORE. Parents are the most likely people to do right by their child – even in the harshest of circumstances. Husbands and wives can be motivated for other reasons. It’s a harsh statement to make, but a true one — one that no woman or man can ever deny.

Of course, in contradiction, parents can have motives but the most likely of motive is they are unable to pull the plug because it will cause too much pain…because they care too much.

So with that thinking, I set out to read the case facts. I wanted to find out the history of Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers. I wanted to see their motives: Are they based on love and compassion? Are they purely out for Terri or are there other circumstances? I have not followed this case closely so I needed to do some research.

I want to find that Michael Schiavo is a kind-hearted and compassionate soul. I want to know that he passionately loves Terri and that he is acting with compassion in doing what is best for her. I want to see Terri on video to see if there are any responses from her. Is she conscious? If she is unconscious in a bed and totally unresponsive, I will have to wonder if the parents can’t let go. I also want to see the Schindler family.

Sadly, after what I have read and watched on the web, the case clearly presents itself if you look closely.

It appears to me, as an outside observer who is ironically pro-choice, that this is a battle of wills in which Michael Schiavo will not back down. This isn’t about what is best for Terri.

It took Michael Schiavo seven years to even mention that his wife supposedly told him that she did not want to be kept alive if she required life-support.

Seven years!!!

It wasn’t until after he filed a medical malpractice suit — and won over a million dollars on behalf of him and Terri — that he REMEMBERED. It was at this point, and conveniently at this point where he stood to inherit a large sum of money set aside for her care in a trust fundthat he wanted the feeding tube removed!!

You can only guess he wanted her gone to get his hands on the money. Why the sudden change of heart??

My skin is crawling.

How could he live with her on a feeding tube for seven years and never remember her wishes then?

This speaks loudly that Michael Schiavo cares for himself first — and then for others — only when it is convenient. Worse, it makes Michael Schiavo suspicious and not trustworthy. His motives are tainted. Money is involved.

Terri Schiavo isn’t on “life support” as I would consider life support. She is on a feeding tube, but she can breath on her own. She doesn’t need help. She just isn’t able to eat by herself though her parents state with training (which they say Michael Schiavo has never allowed) they believe it is possible she could eat on her own.

Michael Schiavo has also at multiple times denied Terri visitation from her parents even when they were deemed to be no danger to her. How has this ever been to Terri’s benefit? I see it as a move that hurts Terri and her parents. This outrages me. It shows serious anger towards the Schindlers and a lack of care on behalf of Michael Schiavo for Terri.

I then look at Terri Schiavo myself in videos– and while I see a person who is severely disabled — I do believe she is there in some way. She does seem to respond to her mother in the smallest of ways. Of course, you can argue these are just reflective responses. It certainly isn’t clear. To me, it appears that it is a major struggle for Terri to respond, but with will, she is able to do so with looks, moans and slight movements. If Terri were my daughter, I could not give up hope seeing her as she in these videos.

It is important to note that neurologists differ on their opinions of Terri’s ability to respond. The brain is not well enough understood for anyone to be accurate in what Terri actually perceives.

The Schindlers have asked Michael Schiavo if they can be appointed as her guardians. They have told him they don’t want any money that he can keep it all — to just let them care for their daughter — and he refuses time and time again.

Watch some video of Terry here. Click on Multimedia and then on the right side of the screen, you will see links.

You can read more facts here from Dartmouth College/University of Miami.

Time and time again, I see cold, cruel and mean behavior on behalf of Michael Schiavo. I don’t see him caring for Terri by doing what is best for her. I see him doing what is best for him. Over and over again. If anything, the Schindlers may have too much love in their hearts.
