Tag Archive for: Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Not Premeditated?

The judge’s opinion in this case is somewhat straddling two worlds if you ask me. Matt Gutman says the judge doesn’t believe that Oscar was trying to defend himself and Reeva, but that the prosecution’s claim that he intended to shoot her behind the bathroom door also don’t hold water.

What does she believe? I’m curious to hear!

Is she looking to set him free? I’m nervous.

I believe Oscar Pistorius by his own words and the evidence known got into an argument that night with Reeva, and he had a violent temper outburst and killed her in a heat of rage. Did he premeditate the killing as in plan it ahead? No. I don’t believe so.

I believe Oscar Pistorius snapped.

He also didn’t have immediate regrets either as he clearly had no urgency to get her to a hospital quickly. He doesn’t call the ambulance first. No, he calls his friend wasting precious time. That says everything. Did he even try CPR?

I believe Oscar willingly and knowingly murdered Reeva in a fit of rage, and I am very saddened that he will not be convicted of such.

To read more of my analysis of Oscar, click on the tags below.

* This video is programmed by ESPN to auto play on load. I am unable to turn this off. If anyone knows how, please inform me. Thanks!

Oscar Pistorius’ Apology: Did he hire an acting coach?

Have you heard that a well known South African journalist has come out and said that Oscar Pistorius hired an acting coach?

I haven’t seen the South African journalist talk of the alleged allegations to see if I believe her (she would have to talk in English for me to do an analysis), but I can tell you that to me Oscar Pistorius’ apology falls flat on its face.  Furthermore, his crying sounds like acting to me, so if he had a coach, they failed him.

Oscar said in his apology, “I would like to take this opportunity to apologize — to Mr. and Mrs. Steenkamp, to Reeva’s family — to those who are here today who knew her.”

He continued, “I’d like to apologise and say that there’s not a moment and there hasn’t been a moment since this tragedy happened that I haven’t thought about your family. I wake up every morning and you’re the first people I think of, the first people I pray for. I can’t imagine the pain and the sorrow and the emptiness that I’ve caused you and your family.”

“I was simply trying to protect Reeva. I can promise that when she went to bed that night she felt loved. I’ve tried to put my words on paper many, many times to write to you but no words will ever suffice” said Oscar.

I have to ask you what is Oscar apologizing for?  If you notice he doesn’t say.  He doesn’t claim what he has done on any level by owning that he accidentally took Reeva’s life nor does he talk of any regret!  Oh no.  In his apology he says he was SIMPLY just trying to protect Reeva.


I am also taken by his word choice when he says, “I can’t imagine the pain and sorrow and the emptiness.”

This stopped me dead in my tracks.

If you killed someone that you supposedly loved, would you not understand the pain, sorrow and emptiness left by her void?

Hello? Does that give you a clue to the callous mind of Oscar Pistorius?

Chilling, isn’t it?

If you cared and loved her as he claimed–you most certainly would UNDERSTAND!

Can you see how he misses the mark with his words?

His cry on an emotional level is void, too. He isn’t shedding any tears that are noteworthy if you ask me because if he did, he would have congested his sinuses, but he clearly didn’t.

Oscar Pistorius is a cold-blooded killer if you ask me.  A remorseless man who is only feeling horrible at the thought of losing his freedom!

Oscar Pitorius during Trial

Copyright Sal Falko

CNN, NBC and other news outlets are reporting on how Oscar Pistorius responded in court when a witness talked about what he found with Reeva when he encountered her body.

You can watch a video here and see Oscar sitting on the bench seats holding his head.

When I watch Oscar in this video I try to see if I can spot oblique eyebrows–a sure sign of true sadness.  Ironically, I don’t see them, though at times, its questionable they could be there in some form. We don’t have a clear shot, unfortunately.

But I can say that I see little to no wrinkling in Oscar’s forehead, which is a strong indication he is feeling stressed.  The fact that they are missing is notable for me.  Look at this still shot, (scroll down the page) which is clear as day.

I actually see a vein popping which could be intense anger that he is trying to control, or a feeling of lack of control–frustration.

Oscar does gag at one point in the video above, and that could be because his stomach is in knots.  That would make sense.  His life as he knows it is hanging in the wind–out of his control–for others to decide his fate. I honestly don’t think it is because of what he is hearing, but that’s just my opinion.

I personally think that Oscar Pistorius snapped in a raging fit of emotion and killed his girlfriend in an emotional outburst and then realized what he had done and changed his story.

An Expert in Deception