Tag Archive for: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin and Trig

Many of you have asked me over the past several months if Sarah Palin is lying about Trig being her son. People have run rampant on the Internet with speculation that Trig is actually Sarah Palin’s daughter’s baby.

I have refrained from comment simply because the only truth I can rely on is what I see people say for themselves, and last night, I finally got the opportunity to see Sarah Palin talk about Trig being her son. The Greta show aired the segment.

When I watch this video, and Palin tells us she is frustrated, it is very evident in her expressions that she is just that. You can sense a tension in her that corroborates what she is saying. Her eyes squint up in anger,and at the same time I see a sadness that she is not believed. Her facial expressions match her message, and her emotions are completely consistent with what she is saying.

Sure, if she was lying, she might be frustrated too, but I would expect to see other indications that she is being dishonest and I don’t.

Also, if Sarah Palin’s daughter was pregnant, don’t you think that her friends and the community where she lived would have seen it and come forward? Surely, as the governor’s daughter, people would have noticed. I think that because no one has come forward about this, it also supports what the truth is here. It would be awfully hard to shut up an entire community, or to keep Palin’s daughter isolated for that many months, don’t you think?

So, let’s put that rumor to rest as well as the topic of Sarah Palin! This is just too tabloidesque for my personal tastes [squirming]!