Tag Archive for: Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon: My Thoughts

Here are some quick thoughts I had about Steve Bannon watching his 60 Minute interview:

  1.  I do believe Bannon doesn’t care about the GOP or the democrats.  That’s the truth.  I’ve been saying that to my readers on FB for months about Trump. Both only care about their own self-serving interests.
  2. Trump and Bannon share a LOT in common in how they approach life, but aren’t always on the same page with their ideas, beliefs, etc. Bannon has his own ideas, Trump follows everyone who makes him feel good. Bannon knows this.
  3. Bannon knows how to play Trump for his gain.
  4. I do believe Bannon wants to support Trump outside the White House for various reasons:
    •   He is not a guy who conforms and the White House was too much pressure
    •   He went crazy watching Trump swim around aimlessly. He feels he has more power to influence his agenda by leaving
    •   Bannon knows if he plays Trump right, he will have Trumps ear and he craves that power — hence the loyalty statement
  5.  Bannon convinces himself that his beliefs and feelings are correct, regardless of fact, much like Trump. I call it delusional.
  6.  He knows how to say a few things to get people’s ear and then twist them around to get what he wants. He’s good at manipulation.
  7.  When Bannon says he and Trump are street fighters, what Bannon means is that they don’t play fair, they don’t care about ethics, they will play you to the death match to win–these two don’t back down, don’t have fear and know how to push people to their limit to win. They care about what they want and nothing else.  Both men would have no problem taking you for all you have. If you’re that dumb, they would reason and tell you that it’s YOUR PROBLEM, no theirs.

Final word?  Chilling.