Tag Archive for: Tom Brady

Tom Brady’s Behavior Not Square with Honesty

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t believe Tom Brady.

In the interview above, his behavior is truly supportive of someone who is less than honest, and here is why.

The interviewer asks, “Has this detracted from your joy of winning the super bowl?”

Tom replies as he soaks up the attention from his fans, “Absolutely not.”

Tom continues about the report, “I don’t really have any reaction. It’s only been 30 hours, I haven’t had much time to digest it fully but when I do, I’ll be sure to let you know how I feel about it.”

Only 30 hours?  Come on…

It’s not a new accusation, Tom. It’s been around for four months and you have no reaction?

Could it be there is nothing you can say to get you out of this so denial is your best option?

Imagine being accused of something you did NOT do–publicly–that if true tarnishes your hard earn accomplishments. Are you just going to ignore it?

You will not. I assure you.

Honest people will be offended by anyone who attacks their hard earned credibility, and at a minimum will clearly  and emphatically deny involvement. But not Tom.  No, he just sits there and soaks up the attention–ignoring everything.  And it makes sense. If he is guilty, pushing it away for as long as he can to soak up his stardom seems like the only good choice.   Deny, deny and deny until you have no other option.

When the moderator says there is an elephant in the room, listen to Tom deny it again.  It’s a joke.

Honest people don’t ignore things like this. They address it even if in the simplest of terms.

Tom eerily reminds me of Bill Cosby and his thinking:  If I ignore it, it will go away.  And sometimes it does.

The fact that Tom won’t share his phone, text messages or emails also supports Tom has something to hide.

Tom is arrogant and as I always say nothing good comes from arrogant people.

Deflate Gate: Involvement “More Probable Than Not”

Tom Brady and the head coach, Bill Belichick, of the Patriots leaks too many clues for me to believe them back in January of this year when they “played” ignorant to any knowledge or involvement.  I discussed this on my Facebook page and here on the blog.

It’s nice to see the investigation is getting to the facts now.

The truth prevails more often than not…

Tom Brady on Deflate-gate

People are wondering what I think after watching this interview of Tom Brady of the New England Patriots.

Do I believe he is telling the truth?

I do not believe him. No.

He gives many clues in this clip that he is not being forthright, and he makes it worse at the end of the clip when he says he doesn’t want anyone touching his balls!

What do you think…