Tag Archive for: Uncategorized

Rainbow of Color

I just took this a few minutes ago…

Playing Poker

One of my readers, Mayim, asked me, “Have you thought of playing poker professionally?”

Actually, no I haven’t. I don’t like to gamble. More than that, seeing lies is only half it. To be good at poker, I am going to guess you have to equally good if not even better at bluffing! On that front, I have no idea of my skills level.

Interesting question though 🙂

Calling the Plumber

A week ago, today, I picked up the phone and called our local plumber who we have used before. I had left him a message the previous Thursday and since he didn’t call back, I called him one more time.

I was surprised when he answered the phone instead of his secretary at two in the afternoon. I asked him if I caught him at a bad time and he said no. I then told him we have a lot of work that we need to get done (explaining it in a little detail) and asked if he could come out and give us a quote.

He replied, “Sure. Are you going to be around this week?”

“Not this afternoon, but the Tuesday and Wednesday,” I shot back with a raised eye-brow and then a frowning, wrinkly face — getting frustrated.

“Good,” he said. “I’ll call you back then. Okay?”

Let down, I said okay and we hung up before I knew it.

My mind was bursting at the seams with emotion. He just lied to me!! He isn’t going to call me back!! He didn’t want the work for whatever reason. He doesn’t want the job, but didn’t want to tell me!!

I was pissed off. Why would he call me back later when he can arrange an appointment now? It made no sense – especially since he said it wasn’t a bad time to be calling him. It was a tactic to rid himself of the obligation!

I thought about calling him back up and saying if you don’t want the work, can you at least just tell me?! I need a plumber for Pete’s sake and I don’t care to wait around for another week on the hopes I can work with you!! Worse, I don’t know who else to call!!!!!

Tuesday and Wednesday came and I didn’t get a phone call. I always hope I am wrong, but nooo…no, I wasn’t. Damn it!!

Who is telling the truth?

I was watching the Chicago news last night. An elderly black man accidentially bumped the car in front of him. The man in the car that he tapped, got out, put a gun to the elderly man’s face and threatened him. The guy with the gun then goes back to his car, calls the police and they arrive.

The police talk to the elderly black man, and he tells them the other guy threatened him with a gun so the police handcuff the other guy. The other guy then says he is a police officer, and they then proceed to take off the handcuffs — and the off duty cop then says the elderly black man tried to run him over and succeeded in pressing charges against the elderly black man for assault. The black man then gets locked up.

The black man denies ever moving his car.

So, who is telling the truth?

On the news, they interviewed the elderly black man and his son. I am 100% confident that the black man is innocent. The way he spoke, the way he looked at the camera and the story he told was completely consistent. More than that, it is just a gut instinct. I believe him. I don’t need to hear the other half of the story to know.

The black man’s son (who is also a cop in another jurisdiction) said something interesting. He said, “A law officer who pulls a gun after a very minor traffic incident is unstable, and should be fired.”

This is so sad to see. My heart goes out to that black man and his family. You wonder if this was racially motivated. I would love to see this off-duty cop in an interview, and I’d love to hear from the cop who charged the elderly black man and locked him up. I’d love to hear their stories and basis for their actions.

Here is the story in print.

Channeling my Energy

Since I have been bursting at the seams with hopes of some how using my lie-detecting skills, I decided to do some investigation on the web.

I went to a bullet board on the web for cops — and I posted a question to them. I mentioned that I could see lies beyond what is average and would police have interest? Two traffic cops responded in a joking manner that everyone can see lies — what they need help with is getting the guilty to confess. In the mix, however, was a deputy sheriff. He told me if I could truly see lies more than average, the police would certainly be interested!

My interest was piqued. Really? Really!!

He reiterated police stations would have interest. He was a kind guy.

Then he told me to call the homicide-investigation units using their unpublished psychic hotlines! Huh?

He said that way I would get through to the people who would like to know about my skills as these hotlines typically go directly to the homicide unit and are not screened.

Isn’t that interesting??

Unpublished numbers? And how do you get those????

Psychic hotlines?

Somehow I was crushed. Forgetting about the nonsense his reply… I am not psychic and don’t ever want to be. And hey, how do I call unpublished numbers anyway?

Yeah, right. This is going well.


Well, he went on to tell me who to ask for from the main switch board. He gave me an official title within the ranks. Then he told me to tell the captains that I can provide “intuitive consulting”. That’s the big buzz word in the field today.

It sounded interesting. I checked into it. Intuitive consulting is just a fancy word for psychic and mystic people!

AHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Shoot me now, please!

I just don’t know if I have the guts to call police stations at this point — and talk about my skills. I don’t want to sound like a loony, or a nut job!! That really bothers me. I certainly won’t mention the buzz words “Intuitive Consultant” if I do. It gets under my skin!!

I’m not a flake. Really, I’m not. I’m genuine. I just have to be 100% confident in my abilities. Right now I guess I am about 75%.

So far, getting myself out there hasn’t been easy but I shall not give up!!!

Any ideas?