Dateline: To Catch a Predator 2

I’ve taken some time this morning to view a few more Dateline NBC: To Catch a Predator segments on Youtube.

The first two guys I watched weren’t pathological or compulsive liars — like I suspect the first guy I profiled was. In the interview with Chris Hansen, these two men are open about most things when confronted — though they both deny that they would have done anything in reality (perhaps trying to save face from criminal charges).

These two guys, while they undeniably have a sexual compulsion problem and NEED TREATMENT, are honest the majority of the time in their everyday lives (as ironic as it is to write that in the face of this scenario). Majority being just that — 2 out of 3 times. While I suspect these men do tell convenience-lies that suit them now and then, they don’t go around lying to everyone all the time. They aren’t serial liars. They are men with sexual compulsion problems.

If we could speak to the friends of these two men, I would not be surprised to find out they are liked, and trusted overall by friends and family members.

The first guy Joseph was likely quite popular among his peers, and had many friends . He was undeniably social, outgoing, confident and quick-witted. He is intelligent. He also likes to be around people all the time. If we could talk to Joseph, I would be pretty confident, he would tell us he values honestyas ironic as that is. He puts it high in his life’s priorities in what he expects from other people and he’d even tell you he values being honest himself. It’s so ironic to write this but this is who I believe Joseph is… if a little self-deceptive to himself.

The second guy Yancy is not as popular and is more of a shy-type-of-guy. In some respects, he is an opposite to Joseph in his demeanor. At a party, while Joseph would talk to everyone and flutter about — Yancy would be more of an observer – chatting with a few people who are close to him, off to the side. Yancy is lacking self-confidence where Joseph is very self-confident (or at least he was prior to this).

How do I see this? I use what I call “Paralleling“.

I don’t think these two guys are evil men — though hands-down they have a serious problem.