Drunk Driver Confesses: “I killed a man”

This video has been sent to me a couple of times because people are curious if this is a sincere.  Several of you have doubted it.

I absolutely do believe this is sincere. Matthew Cordle does express subtle sadness that is supportive of what he is saying, and I do believe he wants to do the right thing by confessing.  While he doesn’t express intense sadness in this video, I wouldn’t expect it.  He is trying to share an important message:  If you drink and drive, this could happen to you.

Some people have questioned Cordle’s motives coming out with a professional video like this –to possibly get a lighter sentence.

If someone is looking to get off for something they’ve done or to get leniency, there are much better ways to go about it than to take full ownership in the public eye.

Does Cordle want a lighter sentence?  Of course!

Who wouldn’t when they made a huge mistake as Cordle did?  That is human.

Others suggest Cordle wants notoriety. I’m sorry but I don’t think anyone wants to be known as a drunk driver that killed someone.  Anyone want that fame?

As a people we all crave the truth and people who take responsibility for what they have done –especially when it is wrong and causes a man to be killed.  And Cordle is doing that. He also takes it a step further to use his mistake in an effort to help others. If he prevents one other death, he will make a huge difference.  He won’t fix the wrong, but he is making an attempt to do better by others.

We cannot ask for anything more than that.

Here is an article I saw this morning online, where Matthew’s ex-wife also concurs that she believes he is being sincere, and Matthew’s attorney also says he had no idea that Matthew was going to do this.

I say thank you to Matthew for admitting his mistake, for taking ownership for what he did wrong and for trying to get the message out there that this could happen to anyone.  If you drink and drive, you could be Matthew, too.

Please don’t drink and drive.