Shannon Price smiles about what it was like….

I just watched an interview with Shannon Price for Entertainment Tonight. I saw the link through

My heart stopped when I watched the first minute.

Read moreWhen the reporter asked Price what it was like for her to take him off of life support, Shannon gives a quick positive expression. She grins…do you see it? It’s astounding!!!! And very hard to watch. I don’t know if it would be classified as a micro expression or not, but it very telling about what she felt when she pulled Gary off of life support. If some people don’t see it, it is likely a microexpression.

Shannon also says that she has a copy of the will and that Gary wanted her to have everything! Is this a motive?

When the reporter asks her, “Did Gary die broke?” Watch Shannon smile as she says, “No”. That brings me back to her statement in the earlier interview I reviewed today where she said, “You know….We’ve been struggling… a lot… with financial stuff, but now that he is gone, its a little more difficult.” That becomes all the more chilling…

Shannon ends the interview with “Gary is my best interest right now, so I am going to do what he wants.” That’s absolutely chilling.