Michael Blagg — 48 Hours

Last night, CBS news program 48 Hours aired a segment about Michael Blagg, a man whose wife had disappeared and was later found dead — shot in the head — at the local garbage dump. Michael Blagg’s six year old daughter was also missing and has never been found.

Michael Blagg swears by his innocence that he had nothing to do with the murderers. 48 Hours takes you through the unfolding story so you can be the judge as to what happened. Did Michael Blagg do it? Or did someone else?

Watch a segement of the story here. You can see Michael Blagg talk for yourself.

Within the first few minutes of the show (less than 5 minutes actually), I told my husband this guy is guilty. He isn’t trstuworthy — long before you have any reason to suspect Michael Blagg.

At first, it was just a strong intuition, and intuition that fought heavily with my desire to “want” to trust him. Michael Blagg looks innocent, kind and like the all-American-neighbor next door. Chillingly so. So much so you want to believe him, but I got this gnawing “No! No! No!” in the back of my head — yelling at me. So, I made the call to my husband that he did it — instantly — and then I waited to see why.

My husband watched the show intently at that point. He wanted to see the outcome — curious at my call because I had no basis to make it outside of hearing and seeing Michael talk about the morning he found his wife missing.

There were multiple reasons why I felt Michael was guilty outside of my gut instinct as the story unfolded.

First, his phone messages home to his wife from work the morning his wife disappeared weren’t “normal”. The inflections in Michael’s voice were abnormal and inconsistent with a man who was calling home wondering where his wife was. I could clearly hear deception in his voice.

Second, his call to 911 was odd as well. When some people calculatingly lie, they slow their speech. They try to act “rational” and “calm” as if to be normal — but when you find such a gruesome discovery of blood like Michael did, calm doesn’t naturally prevail yet Michael was acting calm. It’s inconsistent and a big clue something is fishy.

Also, when Michael called 911, he forgot to even look for his daughter!! Why? Perhaps because he didn’t naturally wonder where she was — because he knew where she was?? A father whose wife and daughter disappeared wouldn’t forget such big details as a daughter. This was another big red flag.

Michael Blagg was a smart guy — and he believed he was so smart, he could get away with murder, and he did for nearly seven months (before they found his wife’s body).

Michael Blaggs case was weak. All they had was speckles of his wife’s blood in the back of her mini-van. That was it. There was no other evidence to convict him — yet a jury found him guilty. And I agree with the verdict. I think it is justice in this case.

What do I think happened?

I think when Michael Blagg’s wife had a hysterectomy, she lost her sexual drive and desire. She didn’t find sex interesting like it used to be or perhaps she got frustrated. In either case, this is what I believe drove a wedge through the marriage.

Michael Blagg is a high testosterone-driven male. He was a fighter pilot. He wanted and demanded a fulfilling sex life from his wife — and when she wasn’t able to meet his needs, he turned ugly. He got mad. He viewed pornography on the web and visited two escorts.

Michael Blagg blamed his wife for taking away his sexually fulfilling relationship– and hence he wanted to eliminate her. He believed it was all her fault and he blamed her — deeply — for his loss.

With that, he felt his only option was to eliminate her in the least costly way he knew how. Divorce would put financial burdens on him that he didn’t think were justified as he was the one in his mind who was being denied.

Warped, I know…but that is what Michael Blagg was thinking, if you want my two cents.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    He did it. That's all I have to say. The man is sick and need psychological help. I'm really hurt by this:(

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