Child Remains Found Near Anthony Home

News just in from CNN:
Child’s remains found near home of Caylee’s grandparents

Apparently a utility worker a couple of blocks from the Anthony home (approximately 1/4 of a mile) today at approximately 9:30 found a plastic bag and when he picked it up, a child’s skull fell out. Inside were badly decomposed remains of a young child. The bag was found in a wooded area.

Orlando Sentinel:
Remains Appear to Be Caylee Anthony’s Say Searcher

“[EquuSearch volunteer Deborah] Smith said the area where the remains were found is “really wet and steep and there’s lots of snakes back there.”

“EquuSearch spokeswoman Mandy Albritton said their workers did not check that location earlier because it was submerged in water when they had looked in September. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off [private property].”

May Caylee Anthony get justice.