Father of Murder Victim: “I don’t trust myself”

John Foreman’s son, Jason, then 5, was brutally murdered more than three decades ago by Michael Woodmansee who killed because he said he wanted to see “what it would be like.”  Woodmansee was sentenced to 40 years, but is getting released 12 years early for good behavior.  Woodmansee was only 16 when he killed Jason and is scheduled to be released from prison in August.

Foreman talked to Good Morning America yesterday and warns that he doesn’t trust himself not to kill Woodmansee once he is released.  He even talked of trying to get into the prison to kill his son’s killer.

I absolutely believe Foreman is serious that he is not able to control himself. This is a scary situation.  You feel deeply for Foreman, whose son was ravaged by a deranged man, but does it make it right for him to threaten to kill and potentially kill Woodmansee?  As Dan Abrahms said yesterday on The View, “Assault is assault, and murder is murder.”