Poll: Topic Suggestion Tool

New Topic Suggestion Tool

It may take a little time to get used to, but I think it is helpful for a variety of reasons. Once a person makes a suggestion, we can all see very quickly how important the topic is by the votes, so this way, I will write about the hottest topics first. I don’t have to pick and choose anymore. It also gives me a central location to keep all the suggestions in one place. And furthermore, it also saves me time because I don’t get five emails from people suggesting I cover the same topic.

I do plan on creating a Topic Suggestion Guideline page so I set expectations about what I will and will not cover. I think that would be helpful.

Don’t forget when you are over there to click on all the tabs. If I decline to review something, I will say why in the comment section! I will always comment about why I move things off of the “hot” list.

I hope you’ll share your thoughts about this tool. Your input and thoughts are important to me.