A Look at Jon and Kate Plus 8

Jon and Kate Gosselin throw birthday party for sextuplets in Pennsylvania

Over the months, many people have asked me what I think of “Jon and Kate Plus 8”. They are a couple with contrasting differences who spark strong opinions among us. When we watch the show, no matter who we are, we find ourselves taking sides.

Read moreMany people are fed up with Kate’s antics and want to give her a lashing for all the verbal bashing she has given to Jon. They sympathize with Jon and the predicament his is in, after all he’s the errand boy for Kate when her plans fall short. Let’s face it, many people want Kate to knock it off and get off her high horse and just love Jon for Jon already. She has a great husband, they’d tell us, and she doesn’t appreciate him like she should. Some people have even resorted to calling Kate a narcissist.

Yet on the flip side, there is a crowd (who I suspect is the smaller of the two) who admire Kate’s strong demeanor and no-guff approach to life. They’d tell us she says it like it is, and that she isn’t afraid of anyone. She tackles any challenge head-on with guts and gets the job done, which is more than anyone can say about Jon. She isn’t a shrinking violet. More than that, this group would argue, Kate helps Jon find his place in the family, whereas otherwise he would wander aimlessly helping no one, clueless of what to do next.

So when news breaks like this that Jon is having an affair, you likely take sides with your favorite personality–the one you relate to the most. That’s natural, but if you step back and look at the two of them without any emotional or situational biases, you’d be surprised at the road map they have given us to see the truth (in general terms) just by observing them.

While Kate has an in-your-face approach to life, there is one thing you can garner from her behavior. You will always know where you stand with Kate. If you upset Kate, she’ll likely dish it to you firsthand. And if you make her happy, you can be pretty sure that she’ll come bearing all smiles. Kate says it like it is and with that approach, she really doesn’t have any reason to hide. You are likely going to get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth–even when it is painful and hurts. That’s part of the package.

People who lay it all out there usually have a very difficult time lying because their emotions are written all over their face. They aren’t used to holding anything back.

Jon, on the other hand, while he is much softer and sweeter in character, isn’t always able to face situations directly. He is prone to frustration and emotional bouts where he has to withdrawal because he is unable to cope. Jon hates confrontation and will often do things just to avoid it instead of dealing with the facts head-on, like Kate. When Jon and Kate get into arguments, you often see Jon walk away from the camera mumbling, unable to hear what he really thinks.

This is not to say that Jon is a bad guy, because he absolutely is not (as Jon has different and equally valuable strengths), but when it comes to honesty, which person would you trust? The person who says it to your face, or “nice guy” who avoids you when he doesn’t like what you are saying?

Which person is likely to lash out behind someone’s back when they are feeling sad, mad or vulnerable? Which person is likely to face the situation head-on and talk about it instead of run from their problems and create more?

You tell me…

To see more of my thoughts on Jon’s denial that he cheated, click here.