The Fog of Emotions

Stressed Woman Holding Head

I have mentioned several times on my blog about how emotions can interfere with anyone’s ability to see the truth. If you are human, you are prone to this quagmire. I’ve written about it here and here.

I’ve always said that if I am emotionally involved in a situation, that is when my “lie-dar”, as I call it, jams up and becomes unreliable. Of course, that is nothing specific to me. It applies to every one of us.

Read moreIt is during these times, that I have become very aware to not trust myself. If I am emotional, I will defer judgement on just about anything until a later time when I feel I am in a logical frame of mind.

But what I didn’t know is that emotional turmoil can also impact our abilities longer term. Seven weeks ago, my life started on a roller coaster path, which has just recently subsided, and I am surprised at how it has affected me over these weeks, and it is still not yet resolved.

During the height of my emotions, naturally I couldn’t focus on things because I was distraught, but now that I have gotten myself back on track, I am still not able to see the truth with the clarity I once had. It’s like a flu, I suspect, and until I get myself back into a normal routine and find peace again, I am going to have be cautious.

I just never knew that our emotional well being could affect our judgment for such a duration of time. I understood minutes, hours and even days, but never weeks. This is the first upheaval in my life since I started blogging over four and a half years ago, and I am astounded at how it has impacted my clarity.

Where I used to be able to sit down and identify a truth teller in seconds to minutes, now I can’t. Sometimes I can’t do it for days. Other times, my clarity returns and I feel it is back, only to find the next day, it left again. It’s like a flu, that must run its course, and so I patiently wait.

I promise to only write when I have moments of clarity, but if I don’t respond to a request in a timely manner, you’ll know why–at least for the time being. My emotions aren’t settled back into place and they are still affecting my clarity. After all, I am human: Very human.