A Very Different Diena Thompson

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As many of you have suggested to me that Diena is different in this interview. She is dramatically subdued compared to her other interviews, yet I see still Diena making numerous subtle smiles (or hints of positive emotion), and I even see an expression of disgust when she talks to the reporter.

Read moreDiena shows disgust when mentioning Somer’s name, sadly. She says, “It’s been difficult, but I owe it to the other children, and Somer (expression of disgust, sigh) to get up every day and continue to just…go on.”

Why does saying Somer’s name make her feel disgust? This is painful to look at.

I can’t help but feel that someone has asked or suggested to Diena to “tone down” her responses, because her emotions we’ve seen from day one are still present. At one point, Diena even gives a sideways glance to her attorney, as if seeking his approval, though she never looks at him directly. We’ve seen this behavior with Ronald Cummings in some of his interviews.

I also find it interesting that the reporter says that Diena attorney is her “liaison” with police investigators. Did you catch that? If my child was missing, I wouldn’t want facts lost between a liaison. I would want direct contact. I would demand it. It makes you wonder if the police have questioned Diena, doesn’t it?

Diena seems to be breathing heavy in this interview, which I haven’t noted before. It caught my attention. Do you see it? It’s contradictory to her calm facade. It’s most notable after her attorney talks about how the police are likely honing in on a suspect.

Diena looks the most sad I have seen her when she says, “I can’t believe a parent could be involved in hurting their own child.” I can’t help but wonder if this rings a bell with her in some way. While Diena shrugs her shoulder here, this does not signal doubt to me. Many times when people say “I don’t know” or “I can’t believe” they often shrug their shoulders. This behavior is actually supportive that they can’t believe it or don’t know.