One of Tonya Craft’s Accusers

Here is Sandra Lamb, one of Tonya Craft’s accusers.

Lamb’s emotions are all over the place in this interview. She doesn’t seem grounded to me, which is notable.

Lamb says, “When my daughter said to me that Tonya had abused her that was the last thing that I expected to come out of her mouth, so when the defense said we were after her in some type of witch hunt – that really wasn’t the case.”

The word “really” stands out to me here. She appears to be hedging. I would, instead, expect her to be adamant that there was never a witch hunt. Why isn’t she? Why is she so soft on this response?

If you were accused of creating a witch hunt, and you absolutely did not, wouldn’t you be mad and firm that it was untrue?

Lamb says, “…like I say I have more strength through her [my daughter], I think she’s going to be the one that helps me go forward.” I find this very sad. Lamb is the parental figure and needs to be guiding her child, and not leaning on her! This can cause children all kinds of issues…

You can see Lamb’s true colors when she says about Tonya, ” The devil wears sheep’s clothing.” Watch that wicked grin!

What a horrible role model this woman is for children. She’s teaching hate!

Clearly, in my mind, the jury got this story correct and seeing Lamb only confirms it for me!

I’m devastated to hear that Tonya Craft isn’t allowed to have custody of her own children even after being freed of all charges. That is a HUGE injustice… This whole story is just a nightmare on so many levels!

Thanks, Tara!