An Alternate Juror Speaks Out

In the video above an alternate juror speaks out. What do you think about his thoughts?

Lisa Daily asked me about what I thought of Casey Anthony’s face during the verdict.  Before the verdict was read, Casey gave a blank expression. I think she was still working to keep her emotions in check. When the verdict was read, however, they leaked out involuntarily.  Casey demonstrated a variety of emotions from a micro smiles to sadness (oblique eyebrows).  She shows a release in tension, too. 

I do not see her micro smile as a duper’s delight in the technical sense that she is leaking out joy that she is believing believed as she is lying.  She isn’t saying anything here. Could she proud she got away with murder?  Sure.  Could she be feeling happiness for not being found guilty? Yes.  Could she be happy because this ordeal is finally over?  Absolutely.  Why she is happy we cannot speculate.