48 Hours: Mechele Linehan

Did you see 48 Hours update the story of Mechele Linehan this weekend? What do you think?

Click on Mechele Linehan’s label below to read my thoughts about her.

2 replies
  1. Britt Cone
    Britt Cone says:

    Based on what?? No evidence against her? That’s absurd. There was a mountain of circumstantial evidence, including her own letters indicating she was involved. There was no libel here- only facts and conclusions derived from facts. You should look into the definition of that word. Libel would be stating blatant lies, knowing they are lies, about someone that others can see, and that can deliberately hurt the individual. If this post is considered libel, you would have to charge thousands of people who share the same opinion (which I believe is entirely correct).

  2. Britt Cone
    Britt Cone says:

    I’m pretty sure Hilke thought the whole thing was unbelievable and ridiculous and couldn’t believe he was sucked into this case, and his laughter was incredulous. The question he failed on the polygraph was one that he had definitively told the truth about, so he was laughing at the results because they were totally wrong and it could be proven. There was no evidence pointing to Hilke knowing anything about this crime, and he was out of the state when Leppink was shot. Mechele never wrote him a letter indicating the planning or coverup of the murder, as she did with Carlin.

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