Diena Remembers Year Anniversary

Seeker found a video of Diena Thompson that is absolutely mind-blowing to me.

In the video link below (click on the picture to to go News13’s video), when you watch Diena, it is flat out flabbergasting. Here is a mom, recounting the day her daughter vanished (and was later found murdered), and all we see is radiance.

What makes this woman feel so radiant when recalling what is should be hands-down the most horrific day in her life? I hate to say it, but she has an eerie reminiscence to Diane Downs here.

Diena says, “All the people, all the cops, all the lights, cameras, it feels just like that day again, only this time I knew it was going to happen, and I still couldn’t stop it.”

Still couldn’t stop it?” What???? Does that even make sense?

Where is this mother’s grief? It’s flat out missing!

Things are very troubling with this case and it continues to haunt me. To read my original thoughts on Diena, click here.

News13.com story here.