Court Docs: Zahra Baker was dismembered

News outlets are reporting that court documents filed today in the Zahra Baker case state that Zahra was dismembered and that her step-mom Elisa lead police to three different locations where her remains were found.

Elisa wrote letters from jail in an attempt to clear herself, however, those letters were very inconsistent. She wrote “We really didn’t kill her, but what he [Adam Baker] did after the fact is kinda horrifying.”

How do you really not kill someone? It’s ridiculous rhetoric.

And how can something be “kinda” horrific? It tells you what Elisa really thought. It’s gut-wrenching!

Sadly, we know that Adam Baker worked in the landscape business, so we can a pretty good guess at what ultimately happened to poor little Zahra. I can’t even repeat what that is. It’s unfathomable there are people who can be so disconnected from life and could do that to a poor defenseless little child, let alone their own child. I get sick thinking about it.

May they bring these parents to swift justice!! I think Adam knows more than he told us in his original press interview. It will be interesting to see who is held accountable now.

Thanks, hmm, for the update.