Elisa Baker’s Ex-Husband: Aaron Young

Aaron Young, Elisa Baker’s ex-husband of 10 years, speaks out about Zahra’s death in an exclusive interview with News 14 Carolina.  In this interview, Young talks about several things that I am confident he is being honest about.  He tells us that Elisa was jealous of the attention that Zahra would get.  He also tells us that Adam, Zahra’s biological father, was a good guy and that he would do anything for anybody.  I believe these are absolutely true.

Last he tells us that he thinks Elisa is capable of doing this horrible act by herself, which I believe Aaron truly believes.  From what I see of Adam Baker myself, he was the typical nice guy, though nice guys do get caught up in the spells of psychopaths, unfortunately.

I do not think that Aaron Young was involved in killing Zahra Baker.  I believe him here.  I was confused when he said in the first video that he has had nothing to do with Elisa since February, but in the third video he said he took Zahra swimming with five other children in August, but I suspect he was with Adam and Zahra and not Elisa, but I would double check that if I could…just to be sure.

Read my opinion of Zahra’s biological father, Adam Baker, here.