Brad Cooper Trial to Begin This Week

Brad Cooper claims his wife went out for a morning jog on July 12, 2008 and never returned home.  Sadly, her body was later found in a drainage ditch not far from the couples home. Three months later police arrested Brad Cooper for the murder of his wife. His murder trial is expected to start this week.

The court is having a difficult time filling the jury seats in this hard economic time. They’ve gone through the entire jury pool  as they believe this case will take at least a month of time and payment will likely only be around $1,000 for the service.

Unfortunately, Brad didn’t speak out to the media outside of thanking people for searching for his wife early on in the case, and it wasn’t until his deposition was released that I got to see and hear Brad speak. I immediately noticed inconsistencies.

Brad gave us two different stories of what happened that morning. In one version, his wife notices they are out of laundry soap. In the other, he notices. In the deposition, he starts the laundry and does one load. In the affidavit, he says he “could not do laundry”. He gives us to distinctly different accounts for each. This is very telling to me. He can’t keep basic facts straight?

It’s also very notable that Brad talks about getting ready for the girls to “get up” that morning in the affidavit. Yet oddly, in his deposition, he talks about how Katie, his daughter, was up early and fussing because she didn’t have milk, and that he went to get her milk, came home and got a bottle of milk to give to Katie. Then he talks about putting her down.

Clearly, Brad has some serious explaining to do!

Read more of my deposition review here.

Thanks, Karon, for the story update.