Dalia Dippolita on Trial: Off the Chart Defense!

Do you remember the case of Dalia Dippolita from 2009?  The newly wed who met her husband when she was working as an escort and then six months after they were married tried to hire a hit man to kill him?

Well she is on trial now and her defense–get ready–will blow you away!  The defense says it was a stunt by Mike Dippolita with the hope that he would catch the attention of someone in reality tv.  Dalia was just waiting for Mike to say it was all a hoax, but he never did!

I will be surprised if anyone buys this, though Dalia’s attorney does a good job at saying this convincingly.

Here is a clip of Steve Kardian talking about the story on TV after this happened. You will see excellent footage of the case and hear interesting commentary.

Dalia does that lovely high-pitched whine I talk about in my training that fake criers often do (think William Walsh).

Reality can’t compare to fiction.