Misty Croslin Talks from Prison


Misty Croslin, who was last to see Haleigh Cummings alive, decided to give her story of what happened the night Haleigh disappeared again because she says, “Everyone is against me.”  She does this interview from prison as she is serving a 25-year sentence for drug trafficking. Misty Croslin was the girlfriend of Haleigh’s father, Ronald Cumming. 

Misty rehashes the details of what happened the night Haleigh went missing, and what she says this time is a completely different story than what she gave in 2009.  In this interview, she says, “I woke up…I don’t know why I woke up…and the kitchen light was on…I ran to the bathroom…or I ran to the kitchen to see what was going on. I thought Ronald was home, and he wasn’t there, so I ran to my room to get my cell phone to call him.  He wouldn’t answer his phone over 20 times. I turn around, she’s not in her bed.”

In 2009, Misty told us she, “woke up because she had to use the bathroom, but I didn’t make it to the bathroom. I’d seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and back door is wide open.  And I didn’t notice Haleigh missing then until I’d seen the back door open and I go in the room and she’s gone.”  (See here).

I do believe that Misty loved those kids, and if something happened under her watch, it would have been an accident or lack of proper oversight (due to her immaturity or drug use).  However, having watched Ronald Cummings for the past couple of years, if he was uninvolved, his behavior would have been very different towards Misty. In my opinion, both of these two know what happened and know if the truth comes out, it will only make things worse for each of them so they continue to hold on to what look like stories to me, not the truth.


Sorry for the oversight in the first draft of this post.  I heard Misty wrong. Thank you, Sophie, for pointing that out.  I apologize.